
Kilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 7): de Mweka camp a Mweka gate (28/09/2013)


Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 7): de Mweka camp a Mweka gate (28/09/2013) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 7): de Mweka camp a Mweka gate (28/09/2013) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 7): de Mweka camp a Mweka gate (28/09/2013)


Trail stats

5.53 mi
Elevation gain
3 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
4,587 ft
Max elevation
10,068 ft
Min elevation
5,477 ft
Trail type
One Way
2 hours 56 minutes
November 3, 2013
September 2013
Be the first to clap

near Kibosho, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 1253 times, downloaded 60 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 7): de Mweka camp a Mweka gate (28/09/2013) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 7): de Mweka camp a Mweka gate (28/09/2013) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 7): de Mweka camp a Mweka gate (28/09/2013)

Itinerary description

Show original
Last day of our adventure in Kilimanjaro

With the homework and the good aftertaste we have after having reached the peak of Kilimanjaro during the previous day, we only have to enjoy the walk we have left until arriving Mweka Gate, the end of our adventure.

3 hours of well marked path and without any difficulty lead us to the exit of the Kilimanjaro National Park, from which we leave just a week after entering.

Before leaving Mweka camp, the whole team of people who have made it possible for the expedition's success (headline and auxiliary guides, chefs, helpers and carriers) meet to leave after so many days together. We take this opportunity to thank you for the work done and the great effort that has made this great adventure possible.

We arrive at noon in Mweka gate, to end the end of an unforgettable week, not without first collecting the well deserved diploma that proves our deed.

>>> Click here to access the complete track of the expedition


PictographCampsite Altitude 10,178 ft
Photo ofMweka Camp Photo ofMweka Camp Photo ofMweka Camp

Mweka Camp

Campament (3100 m.)

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,481 ft
Photo ofMweka Gate Photo ofMweka Gate Photo ofMweka Gate

Mweka Gate

Accés al parc nacional del Kilimanjaro (1670 m.)


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