
Kilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 6a): ascensió a Uhuru Peak (27/09/2013)


Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 6a): ascensió a Uhuru Peak (27/09/2013) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 6a): ascensió a Uhuru Peak (27/09/2013) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 6a): ascensió a Uhuru Peak (27/09/2013)


Trail stats

6.01 mi
Elevation gain
3,976 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,976 ft
Max elevation
19,332 ft
62 5
Min elevation
15,294 ft
Trail type
9 hours 54 minutes
November 2, 2013
September 2013
  • Rating

  •   5 2 Reviews

near Barangata, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 2901 times, downloaded 83 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 6a): ascensió a Uhuru Peak (27/09/2013) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 6a): ascensió a Uhuru Peak (27/09/2013) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 6a): ascensió a Uhuru Peak (27/09/2013)

Itinerary description

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The culminating stage of our Kilimanjaro expedition that takes us to the highest peak on the African continent: the Uhuru Peak, at 5895m. of height above sea level.

The day starts very early ... We take it at 11:00 p.m., still on the 26th, after having slept for about 4 hours. It's a closed night and thousands of stars illuminate the sky drawing an unforgettable panorama.

'Breakfast' in the light of the frontals and around midnight we start up ... It is cold, very cold, and we are tired after 6 days of approach, but we have the peak to touch ...

The rhythm we carry is extremely slow but continuous ... The cold, the tiredness, the lack of oxygen, the sound and the monotony of darkness make the ascent eternal. It's almost 6 hours of night walk that tests our physical and mental resistance ...

Although the path is not seen, the front lights of all those who have started to climb before they give us clues to everything that is still ahead of us.

Aware of the critical moment that we are going through, the guides that accompany us begin to sing typical songs in order to cheer us up and make us the less painful rise ...

Finally, after 6 hours endless, when one is already at the limit, the sky begins to dawn and, when it seems that the ascent should never end, you will reach Stella Point (5740m): we finish d to reach the edge of the crater. Although we are still not at the highest point, we can almost always consider that we have already made the summit! Below is the magnificent crater of Kilimanjaro, with its famous snow and with a sea of ​​clouds at our feet. The moment is absolutely magical, exciting ... All the effort of the previous days is immediately compensated.

After the hugs, the smiles and the first photos, we are going to put ourselves back to make the final effort that should lead us to the true summit.

45 minutes later, we finally reach the highest point in Africa: 5985m.

After the photos of rigor, try to go back to the Barafu camp again. During the descent, the powerful morning light shows everything that we could not see when climbing. Among other things we can see the Mawenzi, another spectacular peak of Kilimanjaro.

In about 3 hours of descent and 10 hours after the start of the day, we expect a well-deserved rest at the Barafu camp. Despite the great effort we have made, the day is not over. After an hour of rest in the shops and a good meal, pick up and move to the Mweka camp.

>>> Click here to access the complete track of the expedition


PictographCampsite Altitude 15,308 ft
Photo ofBarafu Camp Photo ofBarafu Camp Photo ofBarafu Camp

Barafu Camp

Campament - 4640 m.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 18,832 ft
Photo ofStella Point Photo ofStella Point Photo ofStella Point

Stella Point

Acceés al cràter del Kilimanjaro 5740 m.

PictographSummit Altitude 19,340 ft
Photo ofUhuru Peak Photo ofUhuru Peak Photo ofUhuru Peak

Uhuru Peak

Cim del Kilimanjaro i sostre d'Àfrica - 5985 m.

Comments  (6)

  • Photo of Helemon
    Helemon Nov 5, 2013

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Buena descripción. Normalmente son los guías quienes van marcando la ruta.

  • Photo of Cristina Descals
    Cristina Descals Jan 12, 2014

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Como bien explicas la subida nocturna se hace larga y monótona, pero al llegar a la cumbre, cuando amanece, se nos van todos los males y disfrutamos a tope de ese momento mágico entre el cráter y el glaciar. Muchas gracias por el aporte! No tenía gps cuando yo subí y gracias a tus datos he podido revivir esta experiencia tan fantástica!

  • Photo of MARIE-JO MM
    MARIE-JO MM May 2, 2014

    Impressionant... la descripció, els detalls, tot el contingut és d'un valor informatiu incalculable! Nosaltres estem programant anar-hi al febrer de l'any vinent i tota informació és ben rebuda...

  • Photo of victordebobes
    victordebobes May 3, 2014

    Hola Marie-Jo MM. Gràcies pel teu comentari! Celebro que la nostra experiència al Kili t'hagi resultat útil per a planificar la teva propia expedició. Espero que ho disfrutis tant com ho vaig fer jo!

  • Photo of Rousss
    Rousss May 29, 2016

    Hola Victor! Moltes gràcies per compartir-ho! Jo hi vaig aquest estiu! Però com vas aconseguir tenir bateria per tantes hores al gps??

  • Photo of victordebobes
    victordebobes May 29, 2016

    Hola Rousss!! Doncs perque funcionava amb piles i en vaig dur al menys una dotzena... ;) D'altra manera, impossible: no hi havia possibilitat de recarregar cap aparell electrònic al llarg de tota la ruta! Disfruta de la teva aventura al Kili!

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