
Kilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 2): de Machame camp a Shira camp (23/09/2013)


Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 2): de Machame camp  a Shira camp (23/09/2013) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 2): de Machame camp  a Shira camp (23/09/2013) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 2): de Machame camp  a Shira camp (23/09/2013)


Trail stats

3.24 mi
Elevation gain
2,890 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
180 ft
Max elevation
12,804 ft
39 5
Min elevation
9,872 ft
Trail type
One Way
6 hours 17 minutes
October 27, 2013
September 2013
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near Barangata, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 1671 times, downloaded 65 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 2): de Machame camp  a Shira camp (23/09/2013) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 2): de Machame camp  a Shira camp (23/09/2013) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (etapa 2): de Machame camp  a Shira camp (23/09/2013)

Itinerary description

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Second day of the Kilimanjaro expedition

In this second stage we continue to gain height and approach the summit.

We leave Machame camp (3010 m.) At 9 in the morning and we move along an increasingly irregular path. We leave behind the humid forest and the landscape becomes drier. Scrubs replace the trees and rain leaves us to give way to a sun of justice. In fact, behind us there is a large cloud of sea beneath which the great forest that we crossed during the previous day is hidden

Throughout the day, it is essential to wear a cap, sunglasses and extreme sun protection for the skin to protect itself from the sun's radiation that reaches us. Given the height at which we arrive during the day and the fact of being very close to the equator, the power of solar radiation is very high.

After about 5 hours and a half continuously climbing, we reach the altitude of 3900 m, the highest point of the day. Once here, the road loses a bit of height until we reach Shira (3840 m.) After about 6 hours of hiking.

>>> Click here to access the complete track of the expedition


PictographCampsite Altitude 9,882 ft
Photo ofMachame Camp Photo ofMachame Camp Photo ofMachame Camp

Machame Camp

Campament 3010 m.

PictographCampsite Altitude 12,611 ft
Photo ofShira Camp Photo ofShira Camp Photo ofShira Camp

Shira Camp

Campament 3840 m.

Comments  (2)

  • Photo of Cristina Descals
    Cristina Descals Jan 7, 2014

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Ruta preciosa a través de brezales gigantes, abandonamos la zona de la jungla. Cuando llegamos a Shira camp, nos cayó una pedriza que hizo dudar incluso al guía sobre si podríamos continuar o no.

  • Photo of victordebobes
    victordebobes Jan 7, 2014

    La verdad es que nosotros tuvimos mal tiempo prácticamente durante toda la expedición... Y eso que supuestamente fuimos antes de que empezara la época de lluvias! Fue una lástima porque no pudimos disfrutar demasiado de los paisajes. Afortunadamente el día que coronamos la cima amaneció despejado y pudimos disfrutar de un panorámica espectacular! Gracias por tus valoraciones Selma!

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