
Kilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (7 etapas)


Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (7 etapas) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (7 etapas) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (7 etapas)


Trail stats

37.8 mi
Elevation gain
17,041 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
17,431 ft
Max elevation
19,332 ft
78 5
Min elevation
5,477 ft
Trail type
One Way
6 days 3 minutes
October 20, 2013
September 2013
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near Barangata, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 6931 times, downloaded 268 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (7 etapas) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (7 etapas) Photo ofKilimanjaro - ruta Machame-Mweka (7 etapas)

Itinerary description

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The Kilimanjaro is a mountain formation of volcanic origin on the border between Kenya and Tanzania, in the middle of the Riff valley, a few kilometers south of the Equator.

Although it is spoken of Kilimanjaro as the highest peak in Africa, it is actually a mountain with three major peaks: Shira Peak (3962 m.), Mawenzi Peak (5149 m.) And the Uhuru Peak, this yes the highest point on the African continent with 5985m. of height above sea level.

Of the three peaks, the most frequent is undoubtedly Uhuru, not only because it is the highest but also because it is technically very affordable. The only thing that can make it difficult to climb is the high altitude and the cold it can do in the highest levels.

The fastest way to access the area is by plane, landing at the Kilimanjaro international airport. This airport is located a few kilometers from Moshi, the starting point of most expeditions to the mountain. There are several airlines that have direct flights from Europe.

The most appropriate time to climb Kilimanjaro summit goes from June to October, when the time of rain begins. Obviously, it is also the time when there are more crowds of people ... In general, the temperature during the ascent is not extremely low, except for the last stage, where, in adverse climatic conditions, temperatures can be very high Low temperatures (-20ºC) which, combined with strong winds, can generate a thermal sensation of extreme cold and make the climb very difficult.

To crown the Uhuru Peak there are several routes, each with different characteristics. The most well known and frequented (with more than 90% of the total visitors that the famous mountain receives each year) is the Marangu route, also called the coca-cola route.

This is one of the shortest routes, which makes it possible to make an approach to the fastest peak, thus requiring less days to complete the expedition. In addition, it is the route that has a more developed and suitable logistics infrastructure for visitors who try to reach the top of the Kilimanjaro (for example, it is the only route that allows to spend all nights in refuge thus avoiding having to carry tents of campaign). For these reasons, this route is the one chosen for many 'tourists' who often do not have much (or no) experience in the mountain and who underestimate the difficulties that this kind of expedition has. This means that this itinerary presents the highest rate of abandonment of all, with more than 50% of failure.

We have opted for the Machame route. This route, which is only a climb (the return must be done by Mweka) is not as busy as the Marangu because it is longer and has less infrastructure for visitors. In return, when it is longer, it allows better acclimatization to the height.

The ascent to Machame can be done in 5 stages, making a night in the camps of Machame, Shira, Barranco and Barafu. However, if you have more time, it is advisable to choose to take the stage that goes from Barranco to Barafu in 2 days, spending the additional night at the Karanga camp. This allows 2 very important things: the first is to have an additional day of acclimatization in height. The second is to arrive very early in the Barafu camp the day before the final climb to the summit, which allows you to rest more time before the final climb.

So, after 6 days of approach and ascension with sun, rain, snow, stone, fog, cold and heat, all the effort is compensated when you see the sun rise on the roof of Africa. The image of the famous (and increasingly scarce) snow of the Kilimanjaro with the first light of the morning after 7 hours of nocturnal ascension of the last stage is of a beauty difficult to explain with words.

If you have the opportunity to go there, do not think twice about it. The experience is worth it !!

You can consult the detailed description of each of the stages in the following links:

>>> Stage 1: from Machame gate to Machame camp (09/22/2013)

>>> Stage 2: from Machame camp to Shira camp (09/23/2013)

>>> Stage 3: from Shira camp to Barranco camp (09/24/2013)

>>> Stage 4: from Barranco camp to Karanga camp (09/25/2013)

>>> Stage 5: from Karanga camp to Barafu camp (09/26/2013)

>>> Stage 6: Ascension to Uhuru Peak (09/27/2013)

>>> Stage 6b: from Barafu camp to Mweka camp (09/27/2013)

>>> Stage 7: from Mweka camp to Mweka gate (09/28/2013)

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PictographCampsite Altitude 15,308 ft
Photo ofBarafu Camp Photo ofBarafu Camp Photo ofBarafu Camp

Barafu Camp

Campament - 4670 m.

PictographCampsite Altitude 12,920 ft
Photo ofBarranco Camp Photo ofBarranco Camp Photo ofBarranco Camp

Barranco Camp

Campament - 3940 m.

PictographCampsite Altitude 13,248 ft
Photo ofKaranga Camp Photo ofKaranga Camp Photo ofKaranga Camp

Karanga Camp

Campament - 4040 m.

PictographCampsite Altitude 9,882 ft
Photo ofMachame Camp Photo ofMachame Camp Photo ofMachame Camp

Machame Camp

Campament - 3010 m.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,874 ft
Photo ofMachame Gate Photo ofMachame Gate Photo ofMachame Gate

Machame Gate

Punt d'accés al parc nacional del Kilimanharo. 1790 m.

PictographCampsite Altitude 12,556 ft
Photo ofMillenium Camp Photo ofMillenium Camp

Millenium Camp

Campament - 3830 m.

PictographCampsite Altitude 10,178 ft
Photo ofMweka Camp

Mweka Camp

Campament - 3100 m.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,481 ft
Photo ofMweka Gate

Mweka Gate

Sortida del parc nacional del Kilimanjaro. 1670 m.

PictographCampsite Altitude 12,611 ft
Photo ofShira Camp Photo ofShira Camp Photo ofShira Camp

Shira Camp

Campament - 3850 m.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 18,832 ft
Photo ofStella Point Photo ofStella Point

Stella Point

Arribada al cràter del Kilimanjaro. 5740 m.

PictographSummit Altitude 19,340 ft
Photo ofUhuru Peak Photo ofUhuru Peak Photo ofUhuru Peak

Uhuru Peak

El sostre d'Àfrica- 5895 m.

Comments  (21)

  • Photo of Fonte 
    Fonte  Oct 25, 2013

    I have followed this trail  View more

    La descripció de l'autor d'aquest track és de les millors que he vist al web de Wikiloc. Felicitacions, Víctor.
    Ah, i les fotos, impresionants.

  • Photo of victordebobes
    victordebobes Oct 25, 2013

    Gràcies pel teu comentari Fonte! :D

  • Mendikus Dec 28, 2013

    Muy buen track y mejor explicación.

    Moltes gràcies

    Eskerrik asko!

  • Photo of victordebobes
    victordebobes Dec 30, 2013

    Hola Mendikus,
    Gracias por tu comentario!

  • Photo of Cristina Descals
    Cristina Descals Jan 3, 2014

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Ruta poco técnica, pero difícil por la altitud que se gana en pocos días

  • Photo of victordebobes
    victordebobes Jan 7, 2014

    Hola Selma! Efectivamente la ruta no tiene más dificultad que la elevada altura y las condiciones meteorológicas que puedes encontrar, sobretodo el día de la ascensión final! Gracias por tu valoración!

  • Photo of Jose Sierra
    Jose Sierra May 27, 2014

    Hola i felicitats per la ruta.

    Una consulta, quin es el cost total de està expedició?


  • Photo of victordebobes
    victordebobes May 27, 2014

    Hola José, a nosaltres el cost total del viatje ens va sortir per uns 3000€, El varem contractar a través d'una agéncia des de Barcelona que va gestionar-ho tot. Imagino que si es contracta l'expedició des d'allà pot ser més econòmic però es més complicat...

  • Photo of Jose Sierra
    Jose Sierra May 28, 2014

    Moltes gracies, victor.

  • Photo of AlexTR
    AlexTR Apr 6, 2015

    Yo voy este septiembre, lo que me preocupa es el frío!!

    Que ropa llevasteis?

  • Photo of Fonte 
    Fonte  Apr 6, 2015

    Camiseta, camisa (la ropa interior, térmica), forro polar, canguro, anorak tipo plumón. Parecíamos cebollas con tantas capas que nos poníamos y quitábamos a conveniencia...
    Calcetines, guantes, braga para el cuello, gorro; todo ello de bastante abrigo.
    Creo que es mejor llevar de más que de menos, aunque en septiembre-2013 la temperatura más baja no pasó de -5 ºC.

  • Photo of AlexTR
    AlexTR Apr 6, 2015

    tema calzado? material tipo crampon no se usa?

  • Photo of victordebobes
    victordebobes Apr 6, 2015

    Hola SpixD, como el amigo Fonte -con el que tuve el placer de compartir esta aventura- te comentaba antes, en nuestro caso tuvimos suerte y no hizo un frío extremo. De todas maneras, cerca de la cima pueden darse condiciones meteorológicas bastante peores que los -5ºC que tuvimos nosotros así que más vale prevenir! A lo que Fonte comentaba, me permito añadir que es imprescindible llevar ropa para andar bajo la lluvia... en nuestro caso, llovió cada uno de los 7 dias que duró nuestra expedición y en alguna ocasión de manera muy copiosa, por lo que además de abrigo, un gore-tex y un pantalón de lluvia son absolutamente imprescindibles.

    En cuanto al calzado, con unas buenas botas de trekking es suficiente. Para la ascensión a la cumbre, cuando puede hacer más frio, puede ser necesario un par de calcetines más gruesos, pero en nuestro caso, no tuvimos necesidad de material adicional como crampones o piolet... La ruta machame es tecnicamente muy sencila y, salvo que haya acumulaciones puntuales de nieve, no deberia ser necesario material adicional.

    Mucho éxito en tu ascensión al techo de África!

  • Photo of Fonte 
    Fonte  Apr 6, 2015

    Como decían los Beetles: "Who could ask for more...".

  • Photo of karma616
    karma616 Feb 5, 2017

    Tinc previst anar-hi aquest octubre? Em podeu recomanar alguna agència?

  • Photo of Fonte 
    Fonte  Feb 5, 2017

    Hola, karma616, a la meva güep trobaràs informació sobre diferents agències:

  • Photo of karma616
    karma616 Feb 5, 2017

    Moltes gràcies. M'ho miro

  • Photo of elmachim206
    elmachim206 Nov 2, 2017

    una simple pregunta una peersona que quiera realizar esta ruta, que preparacion fisica debe tener minimo. es que tengo un amigo que se le metio en la cabeza, y le dije que hay que estar preparado muy bien fisica,mente y mental. un saludo gracias

  • Photo of Fonte 
    Fonte  Nov 4, 2017

    Yo me preparé bastante y organicé subidas a varios picos. Encontrarás detalles en mi página güep:
    Por la ruta Machame parece que llegan más personas que por la Marangu.
    Que os vaya muy bien.

  • Photo of Fonte 
  • Photo of Fonte 
    Fonte  Nov 6, 2017

    Hola de nuevo, elmachim206, he recuperado la información perdida:

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