
Kilimanjaro: Ruta Machame


Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro: Ruta Machame Photo ofKilimanjaro: Ruta Machame Photo ofKilimanjaro: Ruta Machame


Trail stats

37.48 mi
Elevation gain
16,526 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
16,509 ft
Max elevation
19,095 ft
Min elevation
5,932 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
13 hours 13 minutes
4 days 21 hours 38 minutes
January 16, 2022
January 2022

near Barangata, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 436 times, downloaded 13 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro: Ruta Machame Photo ofKilimanjaro: Ruta Machame Photo ofKilimanjaro: Ruta Machame

Itinerary description

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This ascent to the top of Kibo, one of the three volcanoes that is part of Kilimanjaro, is made to Uhuru Peak, through the Machame Route, consisting of a 5-day acclimatization in which better conditions are ensured than with the Marangu Route. .
This ascent takes place in 6 days, 5 of ascent and one of descent.
The stages are as follows:

Stage 1. Machame gate - Machame hut:
We begin the expedition at the Machame gate, after carrying out the various bureaucratic procedures, collection of the backpacks by the porters, a light lunch and the corresponding photos.
The total of the stage is just over 10km with about 1,200m of unevenness.
It starts at the Machame Gate, at about 1,800m, and after crossing the gate, we will ascend a track. After about 45 minutes, approximately 2 km and a little ascent, the track turns into a comfortable path that crosses the jungle, one of the five ecosystems that are part of this volcano.
After several sections in which gentle ascents alternate with others that are a little more demanding, after about 3 hours we reach the Machame camp, already at about 3,000m, where the first overnight stay will take place.

Stage 2. Machame hut - Shira Caves hut:
This stage will take us from 3,000m to 3,800m and will show us the change from jungle to paramo, where the size of the plants begins to decrease. This stage, consisting of about 5km all uphill, is not too different from the previous one, with sections of gentle slope with others that are a little steeper, but in which on occasion, due to rocks, we will have to make uncomplicated climbs.

Stage 3. Shira Caves hut - Lava Tower - Barranco Hut:
First stage a little harder, not so much because of the unevenness and the length, 10 km, but because considerable heights are already reached. It will go from 3,800m to 4,600m in Lava Tower to go back down to 3,900m.
It begins with a constant but gentle ascent, where we will see how the vegetation begins to gradually change from paramo bushes to alpine desert with almost non-existent vegetation and then return to the paramo with the impressive lobelias and large dendrosenecios very typical of this southern slope. of Kilimanjaro.
After the ascent to Lava Tower, it descends almost abruptly, although without much problem, to Barranco Hut where you will spend the night.

Stage 4. Barranco Hut - Kanranga Hut - Barafu Hut:
A not too demanding stage, but with two parts in which in the first we will have to overcome a long wall of about 150m of unevenness with easy climbs although on occasion we will have to help each other.
Then we will continue around 4,000m with successive ascents and descents to save some ravines until we reach Karanga Hut.
Once here, and once again at 3,900m, we begin a long ascent after traveling almost 9km from Barranco, to reach Barafu at 4,600m, where we will spend the night.

Stage 5. Barafu Hut - Uhuru Peak - Mweka Hut:
The queen stage and the hardest, as it ascends to the top of Kibo, 5,895m, with a positive drop of more than 1,200m in about 5km, and then descends to 3,000m in Mweka in about 12 km of long descent.
We started climbing even at night from 4,600 to 4,900 to reach Kosovo hut. From here, we head east around a series of ridges and then almost straight up, except for the successive z's that we'll be doing up the Scree Slope for quite some time until we reach the outer rim of the crater. from Kibo at Stella Point already at 5,750m.
Here we can see the glaciers, the snows of Kilimanjaro and the interior of the Kibo crater up close.
But even so, we will still have to cover a kilometer and about 150m more of ascent to reach the maximum height, the Uhuru Peak already at 5,895m.
After reaching the top, we will undo the path to descend again to Barafu hut and be able to pick up what we have left behind and start the path down to Mweka Hut.
The road to Mweka hut will take us on a long descent, from alpine desert to moorland to finish at 3,000m at the edge of the jungle. The descent, although in a first section is smooth, before reaching the Millennium hut, it becomes a little more demanding.
From Millenium hut to Mweka hut we will also have alternate sections between gentle slopes and others in which we will even have to put our hands.

Stage 6. Mweka hut - Mweka Gate:
Last stage where with a length of about 10km we will descend from 3,000m to 1,600m through the jungle.
The descent path, although with caveats, will be smooth and without major problems. At Mweka gate we can collect the corresponding certificate of having reached the top.


PictographInformation point Altitude 5,932 ft
Photo ofMachame Gate Photo ofMachame Gate Photo ofMachame Gate

Machame Gate

PictographCampsite Altitude 9,921 ft
Photo ofMachame Hut Photo ofMachame Hut

Machame Hut

PictographPanorama Altitude 11,257 ft
Photo ofPanorámica Photo ofPanorámica Photo ofPanorámica


PictographCampsite Altitude 12,579 ft
Photo ofShira Cave Camp Photo ofShira Cave Camp

Shira Cave Camp

PictographInformation point Altitude 15,184 ft
Photo ofLava Tower Photo ofLava Tower

Lava Tower

PictographCampsite Altitude 13,100 ft
Photo ofBarranco Camp Photo ofBarranco Camp

Barranco Camp

PictographCampsite Altitude 13,212 ft
Photo ofKaranga Hut Photo ofKaranga Hut Photo ofKaranga Hut

Karanga Hut

PictographCampsite Altitude 15,302 ft
Photo ofBarafu Hut Photo ofBarafu Hut

Barafu Hut

PictographMountain pass Altitude 18,835 ft
Photo ofStella Point Photo ofStella Point Photo ofStella Point

Stella Point

PictographSummit Altitude 19,272 ft
Photo ofUhuru Peak Photo ofUhuru Peak Photo ofUhuru Peak

Uhuru Peak

PictographCampsite Altitude 12,474 ft
Photo ofMillenium or High Camp

Millenium or High Camp

PictographCampsite Altitude 10,105 ft
Photo ofMweka Hut Photo ofMweka Hut

Mweka Hut

PictographInformation point Altitude 5,400 ft
Photo ofMweka Gate Photo ofMweka Gate Photo ofMweka Gate

Mweka Gate


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