
Kilimanjaro (Ruta Machame)


Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro (Ruta Machame) Photo ofKilimanjaro (Ruta Machame) Photo ofKilimanjaro (Ruta Machame)


Trail stats

41.09 mi
Elevation gain
16,857 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
17,425 ft
Max elevation
19,356 ft
Min elevation
5,421 ft
Trail type
One Way
5 days 22 hours 41 minutes
January 5, 2022
December 2021
Be the first to clap

near Barangata, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 211 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKilimanjaro (Ruta Machame) Photo ofKilimanjaro (Ruta Machame) Photo ofKilimanjaro (Ruta Machame)

Itinerary description

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Kilimanjaro is an oval-shaped mountain, located in northeastern Tanzania, just 340 kilometers south of the equator, formed by three dormant volcanoes: Shira, in the west, 3962 meters high. the Mawenzi, 5149 meters to the east and the Kibo, in the center of the two, whose peak, called Uhuru, which means freedom in Swahili, rises to 5891.8 meters, according to the latest measurements made on 2008, by GPS positioning and gravimetry, and which replace the 5895 meters obtained in 1952 by a British team, being the highest point in Africa. It emerges solitary among the savannah that surrounds its base, with a prominence of 4900 meters, making it also the highest isolated mountain in the world. Its well-known ice cap (perpetual snow) was clearly visible until not many years ago, but it is shrinking dramatically, as between 1962 and 2000 it lost 82% of its surface, about 17 meters. of average thickness. If the current weather conditions persist, it is estimated that it will disappear completely around 2040.
The protection of the natural environment of Kilimanjaro has been carried out in several stages, until in 1973, the area above 2700 meters of altitude was established as a National Park, opening to the public for four years. after. Finally, in 1987, the entire volcanic massif was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Its ascent is very popular, it is estimated that, before the appearance of the Covid 19, about 20,000 people passed through the gates of the National Park a year, considering that 40% of the ascents are crowned successfully , since, although the technical difficulties are scarce, it is necessary a previous physical preparation and to be able to prevent the so-called altitude sickness. The best time to face this challenge is from July to October or in January and February to avoid the rainy seasons, although in our case, due to calendar issues, we brought it forward in mid-December, suffering the consequences. in the form of showers and mists, as well as the sudden appearance of snow and strong winds on the same day of the ascent.
It should be noted, however, that the park's regulations require hiking trails and human resources to face the ascent, as you must be accompanied by at least an authorized guide, a cook and porters, in addition to meet the established rates.

There are officially six open routes: Marangu, Rongai, Lemosho, Shira, Machame and Umbwe, the first being the most visited, as it is the only one where you spend the night in shelters, which have beds and running water. But in terms of landscape, Machame is probably the one that offers the most variety. It is a slightly more demanding route, in the shape of a horseshoe, which runs along the southern and southwestern slopes of the mountain, spending the night in a tent, counting to ensure acclimatization about seven days of route, five and a half to climb and one and a half to go down.

The basic features and data collected by our GPS in each of the stages used are as follows:

Day 1: Machame Gate - Machame Camp

Distance: 10.85 kms
Positive difference in level: 1250 m
Negative difference in level: 30 m
Arrival height: 3040 m
Duration: 5 hours 10 minutes

We travel by car from Moshi to Machame Gate, where we will have to wait patiently for the registration and entry visa to Kilimanjaro National Park of all members of the expedition, once the weight carried by the carriers has been verified. Each hiker can give the carriers a bag or backpack with a maximum permitted of 15 kilos. We enter the mountain by a very milled trail-track, which introduces us to the tropical forest, humid and shady, where we follow a well-marked path, which leaves us in the camping area of Machame Camp, where there is a building for to the staff of the Park and some latrines very, but very, basic and of dubious hygiene. It must be said that the water that we will use along the route is collected by the carriers of the torrents and streams in the area, boiling it to make it drinkable.

Day 2: Machame Camp - Shira Cave Camp

Distance: 5.05 kms
Positive difference in level: 865 m
Negative difference in level: 65 m
Arrival height: 3840 m
Duration: 5 hours 35 minutes

The first section of the second day runs through an area of tropical forest similar to the previous one, but little by little, we leave behind the thicker vegetation and we enter a barren landscape, of alpine character, characterized by the shrubs of considerable sizes, where we will have to gain height by a kind of rocky and fairly straight ledge that will lead us to the Shira Plateau, a kind of plain where we will see some latrines. The path continues up a diagonal to the left, towards the ridge, through a rocky terrain, of unexpected beauty, passing by torrents that at this time carry water and form beautiful basins and gorges, until you reach the Shira Cave Camp , a balcony between the craters of Kibo, on the right, and Shira, on the left. On clear days, as has not been the case, the western Kilimanjaro Gap can be seen across the Arrow Glacier and also the relatively nearby Mount Meru.

Day 3: Shira Cave Camp - Lava Tower Camp - Barranco Camp

Distance: 10.55 kms
Positive difference in level: 840 m
Negative elevation gain: 690 m
Arrival altitude: 4600 m / 3984 m
Duration: 7 hours 10 minutes

We start this third day by visiting the Shira Cave, very close to the camp, and then we walk along a milled path that crosses a semi-desert terrain, finding blocks and rocks scattered around us. Of volcanic origin, they take on curious shapes, as is the fact that they are covered in beard-like grass. We will pass through an extensive almost horizontal plateau, where there is a large stone landmark, and we will go through stony terrain to the Lava Tower Camp or Shark Tooth, at the base of this magmatic formation originated after the first volcanic activities of Kilimanjaro. From here comes the tricky ascent route that leads to the summit through the west gap, as we are at the foot of the Arrow Glacier, and which was closed for quite some time, due to its danger and the fatal accidents that they occurred. After visiting this camp, we face the descent around the Lava Tower, along a broken path, which after crossing a couple of torrents very active due to rain, makes us leave the desert and volcanic environment, to enter another with more vegetation, which ends up leaving us in the Barranco Camp. This route is considered basic for acclimatization, as we will sleep over 4000 meters, after having passed the altitude 4600.

4th day: Barranco Camp - Karanga Camp

Distance: 4.75 kms
Positive difference in level: 430 m
Negative elevation gain: 380 m
Arrival height: 4025 m
Duration: 4 hours 15 minutes

The main purpose of this short day is to improve acclimatization and prepare physically to face the ascent and long descent of the next day. It is precisely the only one where we will have to use our hands, to save a series of short climbs that we will find on the way up the so-called Barranco Wall, a rocky wall in front of us, which seems more threatening than it really is. the path that goes up there looks for the best steps between the stones.
We will first have to cross the head of one of the main watercourses on this side of the mountain and start climbing straight up the wall.
The ascent ends in a kind of wide pass, from which we will begin the descent through open terrain, again of a volcanic and desert nature, which will force us to descend to the channel of a new torrent and end in a zigzag climb to reach Karanga Camp.
We passed under the Heim Glacier, but the fog did not allow us to enjoy its view, although in the middle of the afternoon some clearings opened that finally showed us the Kilimanjaro.
Some people link this camp with the next one, shortening the ascent one day, but on a physical level and, above all, because of the acclimatization, it is recommended to spend the night in this place.

Day 5: Karanga Camp - Barafu Camp

Distance: 3.75 kms
Positive difference in level: 640 m
Negative difference in level: 10 m
Arrival height: 4685 m
Duration: 3 hours 45 minutes

Another short day is the one that separates the Karanga Camp from the Barafu Camp, although it has a higher ascent and will leave us almost at 4700 meters. On a terrain very similar to the previous day, we are gaining height in a sustained way, with our eyes on the south face of the Kibo, which today is visible at times, until we reach a buttress, where we will begin a journey that will take us , in a last climb between rocks, in the Barafu Camp, which is a rather inhospitable camping area, where you can already find water, located in a kind of rock stands, where you have to rest, as it is the previous on the day of the ascent.

Day 6: Barafu Camp - Uhuru Peak - Barafu Camp

Distance: 10.10 kms
Positive difference in level: 1290 m
Negative elevation gain: 1290 m
Arrival height: 5892 m
Duration: 11 hours 45 minutes

On the sixth day we will divide it into two. We wake up with a strong wind, seeing what the environment has been like after the snowfall and, in the middle of the night, in these not so benign conditions, we start walking towards the Kibo crater through a collapsing cone located between the Rebmann glaciers. and Ratzel. Although the first few meters, up to the Kosovo Camp, the terrain is a bit steep, rocky and broken, little by little, the road is defined and the march, in this sense, is "simplified", but we must not forget that it is a closed night, that the slope is sustained, the weather conditions are terrible and we are gaining height without rest, even if it is on a very well laid out and defined path, which at no time asks for help from our hands to move forward. It’s always walking. Already with the first and brightest rays of the sun, which is rising behind us, we reach the perimeter of the great crater of the Kibo, the so-called Stella Point, located at 5756 meters above sea level, from where we have less than 150 meters to reach our goal, Uhuru Peak, following a path that runs along the edge of the crater, touching the glaciers at the top. Under normal conditions, the interior of the volcano can also be seen, but this has not been the case.
After a short stay at the top, where there is the famous sign that reminds you that you are at the highest point in Africa, we must think about starting the return, because the altitude and the cold can take its toll on us and, obviously, the accumulated fatigue. We return to where we came from, pass by Stella Point, but on the 5500 level, we take a turnoff to the left, to go down a very milled path, but a little more direct than the ascent, going parallel to that , until they join at the height of the Kosovo Camp.

Day 6: Barafu Camp - Mweka Camp

Distance: 7.30 kms
Positive difference in level: 5 m
Negative elevation gain: 1580 m
Arrival altitude: 3100 m
Duration: 3 hours 30 minutes

After a break in the tent, shorter or longer depending on the time spent going up and down the summit, we will begin the descent that separates us from the Mweka Camp. The Mweka trail is wide and very obvious, crossing some desert plains, from where on our left we will see the imposing silhouette of the Mawenzi, with the appearance of a fortress. It is the second highest volcano in the Kilimanjaro massif and the third highest in Africa. As we go down, there is a sudden appearance of a kind of metal bunkers with a wheel, which serve as a means of transport to evacuate injured people (basically those who can not afford to use the helicopter) until at the point where the all-terrain vehicles arrive, which we must think is very low, above the level 2000. The volcanic terrain is giving way again to the param, as there begins to be vegetation, reaching the High Camp (also called Millennium Camp), located at 3950 meters, which can serve as the end of the stage in case we go bad weather, as it "offers" the same services as the other camping areas we have passed. Finally, we arrive at the Mweka Camp, located at the top of the forest belt, in a wetter area, where the rainforest is already beginning to manifest.

Day 7: Mweka Camp - Mweka Gate

Distance: 9 kms
Positive difference in level: 0 m
Negative elevation gain: 1430 m
Arrival height: 1640 m
Duration: 3 hours 5 minutes

The last day of the expedition will take us, through a thick tropical forest, to Mweka Gate, following a wide path, but with some steep and steep sections, although it gradually gains in quality, especially when we reach the track. and at the point of “picking up” injured people. At the Mweka gate, the return vehicle to Moshi awaits us, although we will have to wait for the accreditation procedure before the authorities of the Kilimanjaro National Park, as we leave the natural space and end the trek.

Totals: Machame Route

Distance: 61.35 kms
Positive difference in level: 5320 m
Negative elevation gain: 5475 m
Duration: 44 hours 15 minutes

Xrs1959 Review


PictographDoor Altitude 5,919 ft
Photo ofMachame Gate Photo ofMachame Gate Photo ofMachame Gate

Machame Gate

PictographOvernight Altitude 9,875 ft
Photo ofMachame Camp Photo ofMachame Camp Photo ofMachame Camp

Machame Camp

PictographOvernight Altitude 12,592 ft
Photo ofShira Camp Photo ofShira Camp Photo ofShira Camp

Shira Camp

PictographWaypoint Altitude 15,213 ft
Photo ofLava Tower Photo ofLava Tower Photo ofLava Tower

Lava Tower

PictographOvernight Altitude 13,107 ft
Photo ofBarranco Camp Photo ofBarranco Camp Photo ofBarranco Camp

Barranco Camp

PictographWaypoint Altitude 13,845 ft
Photo ofBarranco Wall Photo ofBarranco Wall Photo ofBarranco Wall

Barranco Wall

PictographOvernight Altitude 13,228 ft
Photo ofKaranga Camp Photo ofKaranga Camp Photo ofKaranga Camp

Karanga Camp

PictographOvernight Altitude 15,289 ft
Photo ofBarafu Camp Photo ofBarafu Camp Photo ofBarafu Camp

Barafu Camp

PictographSummit Altitude 18,845 ft
Photo ofStella Point Photo ofStella Point Photo ofStella Point

Stella Point

PictographSummit Altitude 19,334 ft
Photo ofUhuru Peak - Kilimanjaro Photo ofUhuru Peak - Kilimanjaro

Uhuru Peak - Kilimanjaro

PictographCampsite Altitude 12,589 ft
Photo ofMillenium / High Camp Photo ofMillenium / High Camp

Millenium / High Camp

PictographOvernight Altitude 10,190 ft
Photo ofMweka Camp Photo ofMweka Camp

Mweka Camp

PictographCar park Altitude 5,433 ft
Photo ofMweka Gate Photo ofMweka Gate Photo ofMweka Gate

Mweka Gate


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