
Khorfakkan Secret Beach from Al Rabi Tower


Trail photos

Photo ofKhorfakkan Secret Beach from Al Rabi Tower Photo ofKhorfakkan Secret Beach from Al Rabi Tower Photo ofKhorfakkan Secret Beach from Al Rabi Tower


Trail stats

4.94 mi
Elevation gain
1,608 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,608 ft
Max elevation
1,108 ft
51 3.2
Min elevation
-90 ft
Trail type
Moving time
4 hours 2 minutes
5 hours 34 minutes
March 13, 2020
March 2020
  • Rating

  •   3.2 2 Reviews

near Rafā‘, Sharjah (United Arab Emirates)

Viewed 6981 times, downloaded 191 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKhorfakkan Secret Beach from Al Rabi Tower Photo ofKhorfakkan Secret Beach from Al Rabi Tower Photo ofKhorfakkan Secret Beach from Al Rabi Tower

Itinerary description

UPDATE (June-2020): The military / police has banned entering the beach area. (They put a sign board on top of Al Rabi Trail to prevent access of people to the beach)

This is the second time we went to the hidden gem in khorfakkan. This time we started from Al Rabi tower with easy walking trail for about 2km to the top. After that going down to the beach though lose rocks. It was organized by Adventure Explorers group. We had many beach activities including yoga, volleyball etc.

While coming back we took relatively easy way because many of us were tired by the fun and activities thus they wanted to come back ASAP. But later we realized that the route is actually not allowed to go because of the military / port area. So not recommended to come back through that way.

Overall its a nice group hiking with relatively easy path.

Parking : Nearby al rabi tower 25.339419747282765, 56.35904925078783
Difficulty : Easy to moderate
Best time : Sunrise
Highlight : Secret beach


PictographPhoto Altitude 927 ft
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This is the top point of this trail and you can see the first view of the beach from here. Camping can also be done here.

PictographPhoto Altitude 927 ft
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You can see a shed where people used to camp under

PictographPhoto Altitude 335 ft
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Some flowers!

PictographPhoto Altitude -47 ft
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We had some pictorial / rest under the shades

PictographPhoto Altitude 185 ft
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Another view of beach while coming back

PictographPhoto Altitude 146 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 96 ft
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walking though mud road

PictographPhoto Altitude -59 ft
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walking through wadi to the finish point

Comments  (11)

  • Mayyar Al Jabri May 29, 2020

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Please be careful and read :

    I did this route it was so nice going up and reaching the camping site

    Don’t go down to the beach , super rocky, slippery, steep, once you reach the beach it’s Super hard to go back up !

    I highly recommend to turn back at the camping site and you’ll enjoy it more than regretting going down to the beach

    No network coverage down at the beach beware!

  • Photo of Muhasin Pallikkal
    Muhasin Pallikkal May 31, 2020

    Dear Mayyar,

    Its a trek to secret beach.. For sure lose rocks / difficulties will be there, that's why not many people are accessing there and it called a hidden gem..

    Even the trial you followed is relatively easy compared to the other trail to the same destination which i did earlier in January (available in my profile)

    They say "the way to heaven is difficult"

    FYI, we did this trial with 30 people and all came back safely!

  • Amy.c Nov 14, 2020

    Hey explorers!
    We would like to do this hike, do you know if the beach is still closed?
    At what time would you recommend to start?
    Thank you for your input!

  • Photo of jasvirsingh7
    jasvirsingh7 Dec 31, 2020

    Yes, Still closed.. did the hike on 28 dec,2020

  • Photo of MONISHMU
    MONISHMU Mar 6, 2021

    I have followed this trail  View more

    There is public notice stating visit to beach is prohibited and punishable by law.. Did the trek today.. and did Mount Rabi instead..

  • Md Kamran Khan Sep 12, 2021

    Hello every one, can we use car to reach the cell tower (last stop showing on the map) if we enter from the roundabout (right exit) and taking the mud road. Thanks

  • Rafaela Panicker Feb 1, 2022

    hello, is the beach still closed?

  • Photo of Muhasin Pallikkal
    Muhasin Pallikkal Feb 1, 2022

    Hi Rafeela, The board is still there saying that it is prohibited..

    However I had noticed some people are going to the beach..

    But since it is prohibited I won't recommend and do it own risk...

  • Photo of Pablo de Gárate
    Pablo de Gárate Feb 9, 2023

    Hello Muhasin:

    The real name of that beach is:
    Al Manure Beach
    Khor Fakkan, Sharjah Emirate
    25.332603° 56.376229°

    Next to that beach, but a little further north, there is another, called
    Al Qalaqi Beach
    Khor Fakkan, Sharjah Emirate
    25.335249° 56.37735°



  • Photo of Muhasin Pallikkal
    Muhasin Pallikkal Feb 9, 2023

    Hi Pablo

    Thanks for the info


  • Omar Am Feb 9, 2023

    So Al Qalaqi beach is open to hike?

You can or this trail