
Kanjon Vrbasa, Kameni most


Trail photos

Photo ofKanjon Vrbasa, Kameni most Photo ofKanjon Vrbasa, Kameni most Photo ofKanjon Vrbasa, Kameni most


Trail stats

7.99 mi
Elevation gain
1,693 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,379 ft
Max elevation
1,898 ft
Min elevation
670 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
3 hours 10 minutes
6 hours
November 21, 2022
November 2022
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1 comment

near Gugunovići, Republika Srpska (Босния һәм Герцеговина)

Viewed 69 times, downloaded 8 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKanjon Vrbasa, Kameni most Photo ofKanjon Vrbasa, Kameni most Photo ofKanjon Vrbasa, Kameni most

Itinerary description

Vidikovci u kanjonu Vrbasa, Kameni most


PictographRiver Altitude 1,632 ft
Photo ofVidikovac


PictographRiver Altitude 1,603 ft
Photo ofVidikovac Samar

Vidikovac Samar

PictographRiver Altitude 1,581 ft
Photo ofVidikovac Ljubač

Vidikovac Ljubač

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,434 ft
Photo ofKameni most

Kameni most

PictographWaypoint Altitude 1,145 ft
Photo ofKameni most

Kameni most

PictographRiver Altitude 1,231 ft
Photo ofVrbas sa kamenog mosta

Vrbas sa kamenog mosta

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of dspratten
    dspratten Jul 31, 2023

    I walked part of this route on 29/07/2023.
    Not a good idea during summer because lengths of the path and some of the few signs and trail markings, were often obscured by foliage and ground cover.
    This caused me to lose the path and forced me to backtrack several times.
    I didn't intend to walk all the way to Kameni Most.
    Rather I wanted to to walk as far as the road to the Ethnic Museum and then loop back along the unsurfaced road to the start near Gugunovici.
    However I could not reach Vidikovac Ljubac because of an impenetrable plantation of bush/young trees.
    I had to settle for retracing my steps to the turn-off for Aideri and then walk along the road back to my car.
    I will attempt this route again later this year but from a different starting point.

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