
Kalkanli to Caretta Caretta beach


Trail photos

Photo ofKalkanli to Caretta Caretta beach Photo ofKalkanli to Caretta Caretta beach Photo ofKalkanli to Caretta Caretta beach


Trail stats

8.91 mi
Elevation gain
148 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
594 ft
Max elevation
449 ft
Min elevation
0 ft
Trail type
One Way
October 23, 2014
Be the first to clap

near Kalokhorio, Eparchía Lefkosías (Cyprus)

Viewed 579 times, downloaded 5 times

Trail photos

Photo ofKalkanli to Caretta Caretta beach Photo ofKalkanli to Caretta Caretta beach Photo ofKalkanli to Caretta Caretta beach

Itinerary description

Walked first time with Elle Scales at 24 October 2014.


PictographBeach Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofCaretta Caretta beach bar Photo ofCaretta Caretta beach bar

Caretta Caretta beach bar

PictographLake Altitude 72 ft
Photo ofAkdeniz reservoir Photo ofAkdeniz reservoir

Akdeniz reservoir

PictographTree Altitude 305 ft
Photo ofMonumental olive trees Photo ofMonumental olive trees Photo ofMonumental olive trees

Monumental olive trees

I like this park, a few old trees have a name and a story. The one in the picture calls Athena. And the stgory is : Once in Ancient Greece when the first king of Athens, Cecrops, who is half human and snake, had to find someone to representative of the new city. There are two of Olympian Gods, who were interested to be the representative were Poseidon, the god of sea, and Athena, the god of wisdom. They presented themselves in front of King Cercrops but the city can have just only one representative. So King Cecrops decided to let Poseidon and Athena compete, he asked them to offer the city a gift, which  gift is more valuable to the city that gods will be selected as the representative. Poseidon was the first to go, he struck his powerful trident into the Earth and immediately the water flew into the area and create a little pond., Unfortunately, the water in the pond tend to be salty so it is not very useful for the population. When it was Athena turn, she stepped  forward and kneeled to plant an olive branch on the ground and suddenly with the power of goddess, the olive tree grown high as a symbol of peaceful. Her gift was impressive by people and the king because an olive tree is very useful; its trunk can be use as a fire wood and also can use to build a house; its produce oil that people can use to cook their food; and its tree can be a shadow for people. So Athena was chosen to be the representative of the city and since then it calls Athens. * We should tell to repair this bridge. In the winter it will be dangerous to use it.

PictographCar park Altitude 387 ft
Photo ofPicnic area Photo ofPicnic area

Picnic area


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