
Jebel Yanas Loop - Mountain Villages and Gorge Scramble


Trail photos

Photo ofJebel Yanas Loop - Mountain Villages and Gorge Scramble Photo ofJebel Yanas Loop - Mountain Villages and Gorge Scramble Photo ofJebel Yanas Loop - Mountain Villages and Gorge Scramble


Trail stats

4.63 mi
Elevation gain
942 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
942 ft
Max elevation
3,074 ft
62 4.3
Min elevation
2,385 ft
Trail type
Moving time
2 hours 40 minutes
6 hours 2 minutes
January 22, 2021
January 2021
  • Rating

  •   4.3 2 Reviews

near Yinas, Raʼs al Khaymah (United Arab Emirates)

Viewed 3217 times, downloaded 135 times

Trail photos

Photo ofJebel Yanas Loop - Mountain Villages and Gorge Scramble Photo ofJebel Yanas Loop - Mountain Villages and Gorge Scramble Photo ofJebel Yanas Loop - Mountain Villages and Gorge Scramble

Itinerary description

A really lovely hike with a bit of everything. The first 4km are fairly easy and loads of amazing views. The descent and the last km is a bit sketchy, in that it's not as well marked and gets pretty steep for the last 100m.

I've updated this to 'Difficult' just as a heads up if you are not up for some steeper descents and the scramble at the end. The vast majority of it is quite straightforward, but it's not walk in the park, either! My kids are half billy goat, so I may have underestimated in calling it 'Moderate'.


PictographCar park Altitude 2,849 ft
Photo ofEnd of the road...

End of the road...

You can park here. I suggest 3 point turning before you set out, in case it gets 'busy' with other hikers' cars or starts getting dark and turning around isn't as easy.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,872 ft
Photo ofTrail head

Trail head

It's pretty clear single track most of the way. Easy first half of the hike.

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,917 ft
Photo ofWadi Naqab down below

Wadi Naqab down below

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,921 ft
Photo ofTrail markers

Trail markers

The way is well marked with these yellow paint spots

PictographPanorama Altitude 3,076 ft
Photo ofPanorama


PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,078 ft
Photo ofWaypoint


PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,990 ft
Photo ofWaypoint


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,989 ft
Photo ofPanorama


PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,019 ft
Photo ofWaypoint


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,852 ft
Photo ofPanorama


PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,830 ft
Photo ofWaypoint


PictographFauna Altitude 2,813 ft
Photo ofFauna


Tiny lizard in the mid day sun

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,849 ft
Photo ofOver the ridge

Over the ridge

A little scamper up the rock to the caren at the top

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,881 ft
Photo ofBit of uneven footing here, but no really danger

Bit of uneven footing here, but no really danger

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,893 ft
Photo ofCool rocks!

Cool rocks!

Always reminds me of Super Man's Fortress of Solitude! But smaller..... and in rock... lol!

PictographPanorama Altitude 2,919 ft
Photo ofMountain village - rock terraces

Mountain village - rock terraces

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,889 ft
Photo ofWaypoint


Photo ofArchaeological site

Archaeological site

Photo ofArchaeological site

Archaeological site

Photo ofOld farm

Old farm

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,899 ft
Photo ofThe modern updates

The modern updates

PictographSummit Altitude 2,897 ft
Photo ofSummit


PictographPanorama Altitude 2,898 ft
Photo ofTrail head of Leopard Canyon down below

Trail head of Leopard Canyon down below

The start of the Hanging Garden hike way down there. You can see the Jebel Sal road winding up in the foreground as well.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,872 ft
Photo ofNice spot for a picnic/break

Nice spot for a picnic/break

Photo ofArchaeological site

Archaeological site

Photo ofCemetery (I believe? )

Cemetery (I believe? )

PictographFauna Altitude 2,904 ft
Photo ofFauna


Goat Life! So many goats, and they can swarm you a bit when you walk through

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,891 ft
Photo ofWaypoint


PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,878 ft
Photo ofWaypoint


PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,875 ft
Photo ofKeep along the wall...

Keep along the wall...

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,882 ft
Photo ofWaypoint


PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,929 ft
Photo ofHead for the gorge.

Head for the gorge.

We followed the Perimeter wall all the way around just to steer clear of the center of the farm and avoid any issues with the old village site (just being respectful) but then cut over at this point to get to the down to the descent route through the gorge.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,934 ft
Photo ofCaren where we cut across

Caren where we cut across

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,867 ft
Photo ofTop of the gorge

Top of the gorge

Entrance into the gorge for the descent

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,796 ft
Photo ofWaypoint


PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,546 ft
Photo ofAlmost down... Photo ofAlmost down...

Almost down...

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,499 ft
Photo ofBottom of the descent

Bottom of the descent

Or start of the climb if you're reversed

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,476 ft
Photo ofStay along the wall

Stay along the wall

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,454 ft
Photo ofStay 'down in the gorge'

Stay 'down in the gorge'

It's very wide and shallow, but follow along it to avoid having to climb down into it further ahead

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,391 ft
Photo ofEnter the gorge here

Enter the gorge here

If you're up on top it's hard to cross the gorge further along

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,402 ft
Photo ofHead left

Head left

Keep to the left to head back toward the start point. The right side goes towards a cool steep canyon, great for another day!

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,412 ft
Photo ofRock wall

Rock wall

You can scramble up the crevice on the left

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,442 ft
Photo ofHigh up

High up

You can get up on this side on the right. The last bit is a bit tight and maybe too much for kids or people with fear of heights. You can scale the wall if you take BIG steps, or up and over on the left side is a bit easier and less open edges.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,916 ft
Photo ofThe last couple 100m is a bit of a scramble!

The last couple 100m is a bit of a scramble!

If you're unsure about it, you can keep straight ahead from the dirt flats down in the valley, walk the ridge up to the road and follow it along to the parking area.

Comments  (4)

  • f450_xl Feb 6, 2021

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Good trail with great views. Thank you to the author for accurate GPS coordinates! Recommended!

  • Photo of Hannibal74
    Hannibal74 Feb 6, 2021

    Glad you liked it! I need to work on that final ascent, but I think its a great trail with a little bit of everything!

  • Ricky Naul Mar 31, 2021

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    An informative guide. The latter half in the gorge is long and quite tough physically.

  • Peter Speransky Podobed Mar 24, 2024

    Nice trail, but the trail marks disappear after the village

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