
Jasper Skyline Trail


Trail photos

Photo ofJasper Skyline Trail Photo ofJasper Skyline Trail Photo ofJasper Skyline Trail


Trail stats

27.38 mi
Elevation gain
4,616 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
6,253 ft
Max elevation
8,333 ft
Min elevation
3,875 ft
Trail type
One Way
January 12, 2008
January 2008

near Mountain Park, Alberta (Canada)

Viewed 96738 times, downloaded 2754 times

Trail photos

Photo ofJasper Skyline Trail Photo ofJasper Skyline Trail Photo ofJasper Skyline Trail

Itinerary description

This is a vey nice, three day hike which traverses the Maligne Range at the Jasper National Park. In the first day we covered 12 km from the Maligne lake parking lot to the Snowball campsite (total ascent 600 m). The second day was the hardest, as we had to walk for 19 km through two passes: Big Shovel and the Notch (the highest point of the trail and 2600 m) before reaching Tekarra campsite. Finally the third day we covered 13 km descending to the Canyon Hostel and the Maligne Road where we took a bus back to Maligne Lake.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,533 ft

Maligne Lake

PictographWaypoint Altitude 8,216 ft

The Notch (Highest Point)

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,876 ft

Trail End

PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,699 ft

Signal Lookout

PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,890 ft

Snowball (First Day Campsite)

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,913 ft

Evelyn Creek

PictographWaypoint Altitude 7,599 ft

Big Shovel Pass

PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,847 ft

Tekarra (Second Day Campisite)

PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,494 ft

Little Shovel Pass

Comments  (7)

  • Photo of Northern Mountaineer
    Northern Mountaineer Apr 15, 2008

    This is a great trail. I visited the area and did some easy hiking around Maligne Lake but didn't know about this multi-day trail. I guess it is not recommended/allowed to do it by yourself alone, any recommendation regarding guides? (ok, I'm thinking in bears here :)

    Nice shots btw, and thanks for sharing!

  • Photo of Northern Mountaineer
    Northern Mountaineer Apr 16, 2008

    Many thanks for the info! got your message although it appeared in a trip that I uploaded from a spanish site and wasn't mine :) I've drop it and am attaching your msg below:

    Actually we did the route by ourselves (we are two). There are campsites on the way (in fact those are the end of the first and second days), but you have to carry your own tent. The trail is easy to follow and we met other people travelling without guides. Regarding bears, we (unhappily) didn't see any, but all campsites have posts to hang your backpacks and keep your food away of them (and the tents). You can buy a map at Jasper tourist information center. They will inform you about the campsites (there are at least 1 or 2 more) and the bus. Please check the availability of the campsites (they have limited number of sites).

    Best regards,


  • astoker Oct 9, 2008

    Fantastic trail and great track. I completed this hike exactly as you described it a number of years ago, I also remember seeing the marmots you posted as well. Thanks for posting.

  • Photo of Los tropezones (Jokin)
    Los tropezones (Jokin) Aug 23, 2009

    Superb route. It may be that we do in the near future
    A greeting

  • Photo of op47
  • Uglycoyote2 Jul 26, 2015

    This GPS track seems to be offset to the north by ~500m compared to both Google Maps (which shows the skyline trail in its base map) and the underlying topo map in my app. There's another one on this site by Belanda which matches better. I thought I might get the campsite waypoints by downloading this but they don't seem to appear in the GPX data

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