
Illinbah Track - from end of Illinbah Rd side


Trail photos

Photo ofIllinbah Track - from end of Illinbah Rd side Photo ofIllinbah Track - from end of Illinbah Rd side Photo ofIllinbah Track - from end of Illinbah Rd side


Trail stats

3.7 mi
Elevation gain
312 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
312 ft
Max elevation
1,002 ft
Min elevation
846 ft
Trail type
2 hours 40 minutes
January 15, 2022
January 2022

near Illinbah, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 233 times, downloaded 4 times

Trail photos

Photo ofIllinbah Track - from end of Illinbah Rd side Photo ofIllinbah Track - from end of Illinbah Rd side Photo ofIllinbah Track - from end of Illinbah Rd side

Itinerary description

YouTube video of this hike:

Did this one as a family hike which was great. Very easy hike to do.

Start at end of Illinbah Rd, park somewhere on a green grassy patch. Come to a gate clearly marked PRIVATE PROPERTY and jump the gate. Relax, it's ok in this instance. As you begin to walk the muddy grassy trail you will come across a few bush hikers signs pointing the way to the start of the National Park gates.

This initial stretch is on Private Property so respect the area - no stupid shenanigans! Cross over 2 compulsory Coomera River crossings, and the cows that keep staring at how you will hobble through the rocky creek. Expect at least "thigh high" water depths here.

Keep following and you will finally come to the National Park Entrance Gates - jump over and you will then walk upon familiar looking "Lamington National Park type tracks". This initial part had beautiful tree canopies for a good stretch.

WARNING!! About 400m onwards and you will come across some of the largest Gympie Gympie (Australian Stinging Trees - Suicide Plants) patches I have ever seen. Thank God they are on the sides of the trails, but watch the leaves as they hang dangerously close! There's heaps here - DO NOT TOUCH THESE, TRUST ME ON THAT! They are not called suicide plants for nothing.

Further up you will come to the final river crossing that has a rope tied conveniently across it which is extremely helpful to get across (thank you Mr Free Rope Guy). This also is a fantastic swimming hole which we enjoyed on our way back!
If you wish to cross the river without shoe removal, I found another tree crossing just slightly upstream if you're ok with log crossings, and this will keep your feet dry (no shoe removals, yay!).

Once over the other side, about 100m further and you will come to the Illinbah Clearing - which is basically the Bush Camp Site. Has a couple of cut log sections you could use as makeshift chairs and tables.

This is where the main Illinbah Circuit Track is that most hikers usually do starting from the Binna Burra Carpark. There is a sign here that states: "To Binna Burra via Illinbah Track 8.2kms <- via Old Cedar Road 8.4km". The Circuit track here looked quite overgrown.

On our return we saw at the second creek crossing two vehicles and two families swimming. They were either the owners or friends of the owner who had keys to the gates, and had access to drive there. We gave a friendly wave as they were a slight distance away, and they acknowledged.

Nothing difficult about this trail at all except the muddy patches and river crossings.


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