
Illinbah Circuit


Trail photos

Photo ofIllinbah Circuit Photo ofIllinbah Circuit Photo ofIllinbah Circuit


Trail stats

11.25 mi
Elevation gain
1,512 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,512 ft
Max elevation
2,255 ft
Min elevation
962 ft
Trail type
Moving time
3 hours 30 minutes
5 hours 10 minutes
April 14, 2019
April 2019
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1 comment

near Lyons Crossing, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 116 times, downloaded 10 times

Trail photos

Photo ofIllinbah Circuit Photo ofIllinbah Circuit Photo ofIllinbah Circuit

Itinerary description

The start of the Illinbah Circuit is just down from the National Parks information building. I chose to follow it in a clockwise direction. The track descends quite quickly for the first 3km down to Gwongoorool Pool. The track from here onwards clearly doesn’t get used as much. The track follows the creek crossing it 13 times. (I managed to keep my feet dry until crossing number 4) When you get to a crossing make sure to look for the orange triangle marker which will indicate the direction of the trail. Take care through the numerous sections of palms as the trail can sometimes be hard to see. Once I got to the far end of the circuit and crossed the creek for the last time, the trail heads up into the bush and runs parallel to the creek as it ascends along the ridge lines. It is mostly uphill from here back to the car park but not too steep just a gradual uphill climb. I completed the trail in just over 5hrs. But please keep in mind that National Parks reccomend that you allow 8hrs. All in all a great trail.

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of Obiwon
    Obiwon May 4, 2022

    Nice review. Keep an eye out for the Gympie Gympie when doing this trail. They love to grow near water and trails and always seem to be on the other side of a fallen tree or obstacle you need to navigate. Take some wax strips with you just in case

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