
Hiking to Mount Teghenis 1


Trail photos

Photo ofHiking to Mount Teghenis 1 Photo ofHiking to Mount Teghenis 1 Photo ofHiking to Mount Teghenis 1


Trail stats

6.06 mi
Elevation gain
2,907 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,907 ft
Max elevation
9,372 ft
Min elevation
6,447 ft
Trail type
3 hours 38 minutes
November 15, 2015
May 2015
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near Agveran, Kotaykʼ (አርሜኒያ)

Viewed 1973 times, downloaded 44 times

Trail photos

Photo ofHiking to Mount Teghenis 1 Photo ofHiking to Mount Teghenis 1 Photo ofHiking to Mount Teghenis 1

Itinerary description

Hiking trail description
Teghenis 1 Mountain, in the Teghanyats Mountain Range, lies on the shared border of the Aragatsotn and Kotayk provinces. This hike commences in Aghveran, near the “Arthurs Aghveran Resort”. This region is known throughout Armenia as a resort destination, which also includes Hankavan, Bjni, Arzakan, and Buzhakan.
The Dalar River flows alongside the road (for 14 km until it joins the Hrazdan River). Beautiful views open from the mountain range towards the large and small communities of Kotayk and Aragatsotn provinces, as well as towards the sharp, snowy and rocky peaks in the distance. Teghenis 1 Mountain, at an altitude of 2,851 m, is located such that the central, significant mountain peaks of Armenia are all visible; to the north lies the Pambak Mountain Range, to the south, Mount Ara stands tall, to the east are the Geghama Mountains, and to the west looms Mount Aragats. Further to the southwest, the symbolic snow-capped Mount Ararat rears above the clouds. An aircraft radar station, linked to Zvartnots Airport, operates on the mountain peak, and a community permanently lives there.

The vegetation around Teghenyats is dense and lush. The nature is beautiful, particularly from the second half of May until August. However, other seasons also provide their own beauty and charm. In spring, the slopes of the range are covered in snowdrops, ascension flowers, forget-me-nots and poppies. During the summer months, the slopes are blanketed with bluebells, chamomiles and asters.
Many useful plants grow on the mountain slopes, which are commonly used by locals to supplement their nutrition. Among them are sorrel, nettle, spinach, thyme and mint. Locals collect herbs for teas from these fields, not only for themselves, but for export to foreign countries (thyme, mint, felty germander, etc.). Different species of vegetables and herbs also growing these fields up until heights of 1,200-1,800 m. There are small pockets of forest along the mountain and hillsides, in which birch, Siberian pine and fir grow.

The Teghenyats Mountain Range is home to species of bears, wolves, foxes, wild rabbits, mice, lizards, and many birds – including falcons, eagles, sparrows, hoopoes and woodpeckers.

Safety and Security
Mobile telephone coverage (via VivaCell-MTS and Ucom) is mostly available throughout the hike, and the 911 emergency service operates throughout Armenia in case of any accidents. Take bottled water!

Technical parameters
Distance: 55km from Yerevan
Duration: 1 hour
Best period: April-October
Hiking trail length: 12 km
Walk duration: 5 hours (do not rely on the GPS-derived time)
Altitude from Sea Level: 1,900 – 2,724 m

How to Get There
In order to reach Teghenis 1 Mountain from Yerevan, the most convenient option is to take a taxi to “Arthur’s Aghveran Resort”. This will cost around 6,000 AMD. It is advisable to take a taxi with a working meter (be sure the driver uses it), or agree on a price beforehand.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,459 ft

001 Starting hiking

PictographWaypoint Altitude 7,526 ft

002 Passing small river

PictographWaypoint Altitude 9,364 ft

003 Mount Teghenis 1

PictographWaypoint Altitude 6,456 ft

004 End of the trek

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