
High above Sveti Stefan


Trail photos

Photo ofHigh above Sveti Stefan Photo ofHigh above Sveti Stefan Photo ofHigh above Sveti Stefan


Trail stats

6.5 mi
Elevation gain
1,893 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,900 ft
Max elevation
2,120 ft
47 4.3
Min elevation
188 ft
Trail type
August 5, 2011
February 2011
  • Rating

  •   4.3 2 Reviews

near Miločer (Montenegro)

Viewed 5846 times, downloaded 166 times

Trail photos

Photo ofHigh above Sveti Stefan Photo ofHigh above Sveti Stefan Photo ofHigh above Sveti Stefan

Itinerary description

An easy hike to a little church near a great viewpoint high above Sveti Stefan. A good alternative to getting bored at Budva. The actual climb is from about sea level to 650 Meter. The hike starts and ends at the Monastry of Praskvica. Park there, walk around the curch and through the cemetary. Exit at the far end of the cemetary and climb a well-made path to the first viewpoint (with water). From there, follow an asphalt road for several hundred meter, before turning off to the right (a new road was under construction in February 2011), leading to Ogradenica. From there, turn around almost where you came from, and follow the sign to the edge of the escarpment and down. Once at the road, take a bus or hike back to the monastry.

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Comments  (3)

  • Photo of pacifico5050
    pacifico5050 Sep 9, 2012

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Great hike, but the trail back down could use a good bush-whacking.

  • Photo of Anton Sinistaj
    Anton Sinistaj Jan 15, 2015

    I have followed this trail  View more


  • lindseyfountain May 4, 2023

    Nice hike on marked trails. Great views of Sveti Stefan. I wouldn't call it "easy" though - the first part is continuous and fairly steep uphill. The second downhill part is quite overgrown in places. The end section along the main road is a bit treacherous because there is no pavement/sidewalk and the cars go fast so be careful.

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