
Hatis mountain / Kotayk / Armenia


Trail photos

Photo ofHatis mountain / Kotayk / Armenia Photo ofHatis mountain / Kotayk / Armenia Photo ofHatis mountain / Kotayk / Armenia


Trail stats

6.75 mi
Elevation gain
2,457 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,457 ft
Max elevation
8,277 ft
35 4.7
Min elevation
5,026 ft
Trail type
May 18, 2018
May 2018
  • Rating

  •   4.7 3 Reviews

near Kotayk’, Kotaykʼ (አርሜኒያ)

Viewed 1442 times, downloaded 51 times

Trail photos

Photo ofHatis mountain / Kotayk / Armenia Photo ofHatis mountain / Kotayk / Armenia Photo ofHatis mountain / Kotayk / Armenia

Itinerary description

Coordinates: 40°18'29.77, 44°43'35.67

Mount Hatis is located in the southeastern part of the Kotayk Plateau in Kotayk Province, about 2.5 km southeast of the village of Kaputan. It is known variously as Mount Hatis, Mount Hadis or Mount Shamiram. Hatis is a cone-shaped mountain with an altitude of 2,528 m, with slopes covered in alpine meadow vegetation and broken up by crevasses. The Karasunakn Springs, located at the southern foot of the mountain, are the source of the first ever water piped into the city of Yerevan. An aqueduct was built there in 1912.

The names “Hatis” and “Hadis” seem to stem from the name Attis (the Phrygian nature god of death and resurrection) while the mountain’s alternative name – Shamiram – derives from the name of Semiramis, Queen of Assyria. According to legend, Semiramis waged war against King Ara the Handsome after he refused her offer of marriage; the name was likely applied to this mountain because of its location near Mount Ara.

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Comments  (3)

  • Сергей Миронов 2 May 9, 2022

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Walked here in May 2022, nice trail, thanks! There was windy and cold at the top, warm cloths is a must. Very Windows XP views!

  • tookello Feb 12, 2023

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Ходил по маршруту 11.02.2023.
    На склонах слой снега, которой достигает у вершины глубины по колено и выше. Под снегом скользкие камни и сыпучка. В связи с этим очень рекомендую в зимние месяцы иметь при себе трекинговые палки, гамаши и, желательно, снегоступы. Не забудьте взять солнцезащитные очки и крем.
    Сбиться с маршрута почти нереально даже в метель - трек проходит вдоль линии электропередачи + теперь есть грунтовка к вершине. Покрытие сотовой связью (Вива МТС) 100% на всем протяжении маршрута.

    Зимой этот маршрут для крепких духом и ногами - идти тяжело. Но оно того стоит. На финальном отрезке к вершине уклон возрастает - распределите силы с умом.
    На обратном пути, уже на финише, встретил стаю крайне недружелюбных собак. К счастью, смог вызвать такси прямо к финишу и избежать драки:)

  • Nikita Neganov Jan 20, 2024

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Followed this trail Jan 14, 2024. It is not easy to follow the exact trail in winter without snowshoes, so for the first 30% we did go around the trail a lot to follow tire tracks, then we followed someone's steps for another 40$ of the trail according to the route and the last part we started to zig-zag again. On the way back it as much easier so we went straight down. Having started a bit earlier (40.284177, 44.670858 - nor recommend by the way, you go into a deadend and have to go around) and with some deviations from the route because of the snow we ended up at around 15km with 1100m elevation gain.

    The most scenic views only start at the last 30% of the trail, approximately when you start to notice tilted power line pillars :)

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