
GRIMSTAD around the Hills


Trail photos

Photo ofGRIMSTAD around the Hills Photo ofGRIMSTAD around the Hills Photo ofGRIMSTAD around the Hills


Trail stats

3.59 mi
Elevation gain
479 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
479 ft
Max elevation
251 ft
Min elevation
3 ft
Trail type
Moving time
one hour 17 minutes
one hour 31 minutes
September 29, 2018
September 2018
Be the first to clap

near Lauvstø, Aust-Agder fylke (Norge)

Viewed 1658 times, downloaded 4 times

Trail photos

Photo ofGRIMSTAD around the Hills Photo ofGRIMSTAD around the Hills Photo ofGRIMSTAD around the Hills

Itinerary description

Recorrido por las colinas alrededor de Grimstad: Binabbe, Kirkeheia, Mollerheia, Floyheia, Vardeheia

Tour of the hills around Grimstad: Binabbe, Kirkeheia, Mollerheia, Floyheia, Vardeheia


PictographPhoto Altitude 26 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 30 ft
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PictographBeach Altitude 19 ft
Photo ofBystranda in Grimstad

Bystranda in Grimstad

Una de mis playas favoritas. De cesped. Con una miniplayita de arena y escaleras para entrar en el mar. One of my favorite beaches. From grass. With a mini sand beach and stairs to enter the sea.

PictographPhoto Altitude 7 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 13 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 8 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 12 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 12 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 49 ft
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PictographDoor Altitude 111 ft
Photo ofEntrada hacia el camino de Binabbenheia

Entrada hacia el camino de Binabbenheia

La entrada hacia el camino de Binabben está indicada por un pequeño cartel. Da la sensación de estar entrando en una casa privada. The entrance to the Binabben road is indicated by a small sign. It feels like entering a private house.

PictographPhoto Altitude 132 ft
Photo ofEntrada a la colina de Binabben

Entrada a la colina de Binabben

Entrada a la colina de Binnabben Entrance to Binnabben Hill

PictographPanorama Altitude 166 ft
Photo ofLille Binabben

Lille Binabben

La colina de Binabben tiene dos miradores. Este es el de menos altura y es llamado el pequeño Binabben. The hill of Binabben has two viewpoints. This is the lowest height and is called the small Binabben.

PictographPhoto Altitude 147 ft
Photo ofEscaleras de subida a Binabben

Escaleras de subida a Binabben

Escaleras de subida a Binabben. Escaleras con una alfombra en cada escalón, para evitar el hielo en invierno. Stairs of ascent to Binabben. Stairs with a carpet at each step, to avoid ice in winter.

PictographIntersection Altitude 164 ft
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PictographMountain pass Altitude 191 ft
Photo ofBinabben Hill Top

Binabben Hill Top

La cima de la colina de Binabben The top of Binabben hill

PictographPanorama Altitude 223 ft
Photo ofPanorámica desde Binabben Hill Top

Panorámica desde Binabben Hill Top

Panorámica desde Binabben Hill Top Panoramic view from Binabben Hill Top

PictographPanorama Altitude 223 ft
Photo ofPanoramic view from Binabben Hill TopFoto

Panoramic view from Binabben Hill TopFoto

Panoramic view from Binabben Hill Top

PictographPhoto Altitude 223 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 168 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 123 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 96 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 88 ft
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PictographMountain pass Altitude 113 ft
Photo ofKirkeheia Hill Top

Kirkeheia Hill Top

La cima de la colina de la iglesia Kirkeheia La colina de la Iglesia es un punto muy accesible y con bellas vistas del centro de la ciudad, el puerto y el mar, y como no, de la iglesia de madera, que fuer consagrada por primera vez en 1849. La primera iglesia se quedó pronto pequeña, y en 1881 se erigió la que actualmente puede verse. La iglesia, con sus 1150 asientos, en la segunda iglesia de madera más grande de todo Noruega. El arquitecto fue Henrik Thrap-Meyer, quién también diseñó la de Lillesand y la catedral de Kristiansand. The top of the church hill Kirkeheia The Church Hill is a very accessible point with beautiful views of the city centre, the port and the sea, and of course the wooden church, which was first consecrated in 1849. The first church soon became small, and in 1881 the one that can be seen today was erected. The church, with its 1150 seats, is the second largest wooden church in Norway. The architect was Henrik Thrap-Meyer, who also designed the Lillesand church and the Kristiansand cathedral.

PictographPanorama Altitude 116 ft
Photo ofKirkeheia Panoramic View

Kirkeheia Panoramic View

Vista panorámica desde Kierkeheia Kirkeheia Panoramic View

PictographPanorama Altitude 116 ft
Photo ofKirkeheia Panoramic View

Kirkeheia Panoramic View

Vista panorámica desde Kierkeheia Kirkeheia Panoramic View

PictographPhoto Altitude 84 ft
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PictographDoor Altitude 81 ft
Photo ofEntrada al camino de Floyheia

Entrada al camino de Floyheia

Entrada al camino de Floyheia, o camino de Hamsuns Rulespor. Floyheia 63.5m sobre el nivel del mar. Bellas vistas del mar, el puerto, la ciudad y también el campo que rodea a la misma. El trail fue creado basado en el trabajo de Knut Hamsun, "on overgrown paths", y e encuentran numerosas referencias al libro a lo largo del camino. Algunas partes son empinadas, e incluso hay una cuerda para ayudar con el ascenso. Hay mucha roca y en días húmedos puede ser muy resbaladizo. Hamsun tenía 88 años cuando hizo este paseo, pero eso no significa que cualquier persona mayor pueda hacerlo. Si es una persona mayor noruega.. sí. Sino.. este tramo de la ruta es complicado, con rocas, escarpado y no siempre sencillo. Entrance to Floyheia Path, or Hamsuns Rulespor Path. Floyheia 63.5m above sea level. Beautiful views of the sea, the port, the city and also the surrounding countryside. The trail was created based on the work of Knut Hamsun, "on overgrown paths", and e find numerous references to the book along the way. Some parts are steep, and there is even a rope to help with the ascent. There is a lot of rock and on wet days it can be very slippery. Hamsun was 88 years old when he made this walk, but that doesn't mean any older person can do it. If it is a Norwegian older person... yes. But... this stretch of the route is complicated, with rocks, steep and not always simple.

PictographPhoto Altitude 121 ft
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PictographMountain pass Altitude 173 ft
Photo ofMollerheia Top

Mollerheia Top

Vista panorámica desde Mollerheia. El tope de la colina de Moller. MollerHeia. Colina del molino. 41.9m sobre el nivel del mar El nombre es antiguo y data de la era en la que los molinos eran más comundes. A principio de 1800 un molino de postes se situaba en este area, aunque cuando el autor Knut Hamsun recorrió el lugar en 1945, el molino había desaparecido. Hamsun se mudó a Eide, en las afueras de Grimstad en 1918. Él había comprado la granja Norholm donde vivió hasta su muerte en 1952. Escribió muchos de sus libros desde su llegada a Grimstad, y aquí vivía cuando recibió en Premio Nobel de literatura en 1920. Su controvertido su apoyo al régimen de Hitler provocó su detección el 14 de Junio de 1945. En su libro "on Overgrown paths" describe sus paseos por el area. Todos esos paseos hicieron que necesitara un par de zapatos. Quería enviar una carta a su granja en Norholm, pero nadie le que quiso ayudar con el envío. Así que, a sus 86 años Hamsun decidió ir andando él mismo hasta correos, situado en el centro de la ciudad. Sin embargo, como no le estaba permitido salir del hospital, para evitar que nadie le viera, cruzó la colina de Floyheia hasta Mollenheia. Hamsun continúo siendo impopular durante muchos años, pero actualmente está considerado uno de los mejores escritores noruegos. Solo Henrik Ibsen is mejor conocido en el extranjero. Panoramic view from Mollerheia. The top of Moller hill. MollerHeia. Hill of the mill. 41.9m above sea level The name is ancient and dates back to the era when mills were most common. In the early 1800s a pole mill was located in this area, although when author Knut Hamsun toured the site in 1945, the mill had disappeared. Hamsun moved to Eide, on the outskirts of Grimstad in 1918. He had bought the Norholm farm where he lived until his death in 1952. He wrote many of his books since his arrival in Grimstad, and lived here when he received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1920. His controversial support for Hitler's regime led to his detection on June 14, 1945. In his book "on Overgrown paths" he describes his walks through the area. All those walks made him need a pair of shoes. He wanted to send a letter to his farm in Norholm, but no one wanted to help him with the sending. So, at 86, Hamsun decided to walk himself to the post office in the city centre. However, as he was not allowed to leave the hospital, to prevent anyone from seeing him, he crossed the Floyheia hill to Mollenheia. Hamsun remained unpopular for many years, but is now considered one of Norway's best writers. Only Henrik Ibsen is better known abroad. MollerHeia. Hill of the mill. 41.9m above sea level The name is ancient and dates back to the era when mills were most common. In the early 1800s a pole mill was located in this area, although when author Knut Hamsun toured the site in 1945, the mill had disappeared. Hamsun moved to Eide, on the outskirts of Grimstad in 1918. He had bought the Norholm farm where he lived until his death in 1952. He wrote many of his books since his arrival in Grimstad, and lived here when he received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1920. His controversial support for Hitler's regime led to his detection on June 14, 1945. In his book "on Overgrown paths" he describes his walks through the area. All those walks made him need a pair of shoes. He wanted to send a letter to his farm in Norholm, but no one wanted to help him with the sending. So, at 86, Hamsun decided to walk himself to the post office in the city centre. However, as he was not allowed to leave the hospital, to prevent anyone from seeing him, he crossed the Floyheia hill to Mollenheia. Hamsun remained unpopular for many years, but is now considered one of Norway's best writers. Only Henrik Ibsen is better known abroad. Translated with

PictographPhoto Altitude 167 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 154 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 148 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 202 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 243 ft
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PictographMountain pass Altitude 252 ft
Photo ofFloyheia Top

Floyheia Top

Cima de la colina de Floy Top of Floy Hill

Photo ofFloyheia information

Floyheia information

Información sobre la colina de Floy Information about Floy Hill

PictographPhoto Altitude 107 ft
Photo ofEnd of the floyheia path

End of the floyheia path

El final o principio del camino de la colina de Floy The end or beginning of the Floy Hill Path

PictographPhoto Altitude 99 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 94 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 94 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 131 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 118 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 114 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 164 ft
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PictographMountain pass Altitude 178 ft
Photo ofVardeheia Top Hill

Vardeheia Top Hill

Cima de la colina de Vardeheia. Muy accesible desde el centro de Grimstad. Ofrece una bonita panorámica de la ciudad, el centro, la iglesia y el puerto. Top of the hill of Vardeheia. Very accessible from the centre of Grimstad. It offers a beautiful panoramic view of the city, the centre, the church and the port.

PictographPanorama Altitude 183 ft
Photo ofVardeheia panoramic view

Vardeheia panoramic view

Vardeheia panoramic view

PictographPanorama Altitude 178 ft
Photo ofVardeheia panoramic view

Vardeheia panoramic view

Vardeheia panoramic view

PictographPhoto Altitude 132 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 82 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude 71 ft
Photo ofPrecious Autumn Colors

Precious Autumn Colors

Preciosos colores otoñales Precious Autumn Colors


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