
GREVE IN CHIANTI - Castello di Verrazzano 9,525 km


Trail photos

Photo ofGREVE IN CHIANTI - Castello di Verrazzano 9,525 km Photo ofGREVE IN CHIANTI - Castello di Verrazzano 9,525 km Photo ofGREVE IN CHIANTI - Castello di Verrazzano 9,525 km


Trail stats

5.89 mi
Elevation gain
1,056 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,056 ft
Max elevation
1,451 ft
58 4
Min elevation
641 ft
Trail type
one hour 50 minutes
August 18, 2018
October 2017
  • Rating

  •   4 2 Reviews

near Greve in Chianti, Toscana (Italia)

Viewed 4586 times, downloaded 124 times

Trail photos

Photo ofGREVE IN CHIANTI - Castello di Verrazzano 9,525 km Photo ofGREVE IN CHIANTI - Castello di Verrazzano 9,525 km Photo ofGREVE IN CHIANTI - Castello di Verrazzano 9,525 km

Itinerary description

Parcheggio alla piscina di greve. P.S. Troverete dei cancelli, servono per salvaguardare le vigne da caprioli e cinghiali, apriteli e richiudeteveli alle spalle.

Comments  (2)

  • giunto78 Jan 4, 2020

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Ho fatto questo percorso seguendo indicazioni e traccia, perfetto, grazie

  • sandro fuso Sep 6, 2020

    We did it the other way around
    The first 2-3 kms are nice but when you enter in the woods after, there is a fence that prevents you to follow the path. You can of course adapt the itinerary if you are used to walk and maps.
    If you do it the way as it is presented it might be way more complicated to find a workaround...

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