
Grebaje, Volusnica, Talijanka, Grebaje


Trail photos

Photo ofGrebaje, Volusnica, Talijanka, Grebaje Photo ofGrebaje, Volusnica, Talijanka, Grebaje Photo ofGrebaje, Volusnica, Talijanka, Grebaje


Trail stats

6.45 mi
Elevation gain
3,540 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,543 ft
Max elevation
6,889 ft
Min elevation
3,529 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
4 hours 10 minutes
7 hours 55 minutes
September 4, 2019
September 2019

near Dolja, Gusinje (Montenegro)

Viewed 390 times, downloaded 13 times

Trail photos

Photo ofGrebaje, Volusnica, Talijanka, Grebaje Photo ofGrebaje, Volusnica, Talijanka, Grebaje Photo ofGrebaje, Volusnica, Talijanka, Grebaje

Itinerary description

Grebaje, Volusnica, Talijanka, Grebaje


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,085 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 5,471 ft
Photo ofPhoto


PictographPhoto Altitude 6,886 ft
Photo ofPhoto


Comments  (4)

  • Photo of dipasari
    dipasari Sep 6, 2019

    We saw too much fog as we were early, better to go in the afternoon as the fog will have fade away by then.

  • Photo of Ausra Osi
    Ausra Osi Jul 2, 2021

    Hi, I would like to ask, if 68 years old person could do this trail? They can wall long distance if its not too steep. Does this trail have gradual incline, or there are parts with high boulders, where you need to lift your legs high, or use hands even? Thank you :)

  • Photo of Esteban Bravo
    Esteban Bravo Jul 2, 2021

    Hi. Thanks for asking :) . Well, there is an elevation gain of 1100m, so you're basically going up the half of the trail, but you don't have to use your hands or lift too high your legs. This trail it's not necessarily difficult, it is not too long, paths are good, but still, it could be a bit hard, even for younger people, if you're not used to mountain trails.
    I hope you have a nice trail.

  • Photo of Ausra Osi
    Ausra Osi Jul 2, 2021

    Hi Esteban, thank you for such a quick response. Yes, I ubderstand, I am just debating if I can take mym mom with me on this trail, or it might be too ambitious considering that much elevation gain.. Habe a feelong it may be a bit much as you say, because its mountain trail of constantly going up and then elevation down is probably hard on the knees.. :)

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