
GR141 - Ronda to Benaoján station


Trail photos

Photo ofGR141 - Ronda to Benaoján station Photo ofGR141 - Ronda to Benaoján station Photo ofGR141 - Ronda to Benaoján station


Trail stats

8.99 mi
Elevation gain
896 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,847 ft
Max elevation
2,433 ft
75 5
Min elevation
1,479 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
3 hours 5 minutes
3 hours 45 minutes
March 16, 2023
March 2023
  • Rating

  •   5 1 review

near Ronda, Andalucía (España)

Viewed 1024 times, downloaded 28 times

Trail photos

Photo ofGR141 - Ronda to Benaoján station Photo ofGR141 - Ronda to Benaoján station Photo ofGR141 - Ronda to Benaoján station

Itinerary description

This is the first part of GR141 Section 1, Ronda to Benaoján station, done as a day trip. I parked at Benaojan-Montejaque station, took the train to Ronda and then walked back.

The official recommendation of the GR141 route says: Day 1: Ronda to Jimera de Libar and Day 2: Jimera de Libar to El Colmenar. But I would recommend splitting Sections 1 and 2 differently. I am a local resident of the Serrania de Ronda who knows the GR141 very well, and I recommend the following itinerary, which splits the route into 3 shorter days instead of 2 very long days, and gives more time to relax and enjoy the different villages.

My suggested itinerary:
Day 1. Ronda to Benaojan Station (and stay overnight at the Molino del Santo hotel).
Day 2: Benaojan to Jimera (coffee/tapas at Bar Allioli at Jimera station) and then onwards from Jimera to Cortes station (and stay overnight at "Finca Rana Verde".)
Day 3: Cortes station to El Colmenar (Gaucin station). From there you can either get the train back to Ronda, or if you park your car at Gaucin station it will be waiting for you at the end of the three days.


PictographPhoto Altitude 2,434 ft
Photo ofStart at Ronda railway station

Start at Ronda railway station

Cross the road and walk down until you reach Calle Espinel - a pedestrian street with many cafes and shops. Walk all the way down Calle Espinel until you reach the bull ring.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,385 ft
Photo ofTurn left at the bull ring.

Turn left at the bull ring.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,372 ft
Photo ofView of the bridge from the top

View of the bridge from the top

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,372 ft
Photo ofTurn right onto Calle Tenorio

Turn right onto Calle Tenorio

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,388 ft
Photo ofPlaza de Maria Auxiliadora

Plaza de Maria Auxiliadora

Walk to the far end of the square to find the start of the zig-zag path downhill.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,382 ft
Photo ofGo downhill here Photo ofGo downhill here

Go downhill here

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,251 ft
Photo ofDetour to a viewing spot

Detour to a viewing spot

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,254 ft
Photo ofLovely old path

Lovely old path

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,175 ft
Photo ofGO LEFT HERE and stay on marked GR 141 (Turn right to viewing spot )

GO LEFT HERE and stay on marked GR 141 (Turn right to viewing spot )

At this junction I recommend that you stay on the marked red/white GR141 path which goes to the left. I went right - you go downhill to a great viewing point, and then I went through the archway, downhill on a steep path to re-join the GR141 at a car park area. I DO NOT recommend this short cut as it is very steep and can be slippery. So if you go down to the viewing spot, retrace your steps back uphill to the junction again.

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,096 ft
Photo ofView


PictographPhoto Altitude 2,070 ft
Photo ofView


PictographPhoto Altitude 2,077 ft
Photo ofThrough here is the steep downhill path (not recommended)

Through here is the steep downhill path (not recommended)

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,982 ft
Photo ofView


PictographPhoto Altitude 1,955 ft
Photo ofSignboard at car park area

Signboard at car park area

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,929 ft
Photo ofTurn right down cobbled track

Turn right down cobbled track

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,811 ft
Photo ofMolino del Tajo building

Molino del Tajo building

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,798 ft
Photo ofgo left

go left

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,798 ft
Photo ofGo right and downhill

Go right and downhill

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,745 ft
Photo ofCross the bridge

Cross the bridge

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,795 ft
Photo ofGo right

Go right

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,831 ft
Photo ofWalk past lovely finca with stables

Walk past lovely finca with stables

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,903 ft
Photo ofView of Ronda from below

View of Ronda from below

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,926 ft
Photo ofSignposts


PictographPhoto Altitude 1,847 ft
Photo ofTurn left and follow main track downhill

Turn left and follow main track downhill

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,650 ft
Photo ofMeet another track at hay barn; turn right

Meet another track at hay barn; turn right

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,617 ft
Photo ofMeet the road; stay on the left side

Meet the road; stay on the left side

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,558 ft
Photo ofCross the road with care and take the right fork at the bins

Cross the road with care and take the right fork at the bins

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,526 ft
Photo ofCross the train track and turn left Photo ofCross the train track and turn left

Cross the train track and turn left

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,549 ft
Photo ofSignposts


PictographPhoto Altitude 1,509 ft
Photo ofFollow the path on the right of the train track; start climbing

Follow the path on the right of the train track; start climbing

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,637 ft
Photo ofA pretty path

A pretty path

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,854 ft
Photo ofThe path climbs steadily

The path climbs steadily

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,841 ft
Photo ofView of the Guadiaro valley and Benaojan

View of the Guadiaro valley and Benaojan

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,995 ft
Photo ofRemains of the old Roman path

Remains of the old Roman path

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,080 ft
Photo ofThe top of the climb! Photo ofThe top of the climb!

The top of the climb!

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,995 ft
Photo ofView of Montejaque village

View of Montejaque village

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,900 ft
Photo ofView of Benaojan village

View of Benaojan village

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,765 ft
Photo ofAt the roundabout, take the middle street - Calle Juan de Rosa - to the right of Unicaja bank Photo ofAt the roundabout, take the middle street - Calle Juan de Rosa - to the right of Unicaja bank

At the roundabout, take the middle street - Calle Juan de Rosa - to the right of Unicaja bank

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,739 ft
Photo ofMeet old track and follow it downhill (avoids the main road)

Meet old track and follow it downhill (avoids the main road)

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,532 ft
Photo ofView of the river

View of the river

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,470 ft
Photo ofTurn left and pass the hotel Molino del Santo Photo ofTurn left and pass the hotel Molino del Santo

Turn left and pass the hotel Molino del Santo

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,430 ft
Photo ofCross the bridge

Cross the bridge

PictographPhoto Altitude 1,417 ft
Photo ofGood bar and restaurant for some well-earned refreshments!

Good bar and restaurant for some well-earned refreshments!

Comments  (10)

  • Photo of karenilexmead
    karenilexmead Apr 13, 2023

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Fantastic route! thank you so much for this, great waypoints and helpful notes 😎👍

  • Photo of Elsie Bee
    Elsie Bee Apr 13, 2023

    Hi Karen! Thank you; I'm glad you enjoyed the route. I don't know if our paths have crossed on a hike sometime...but I spot some of my fellow hikers in your photos - Jacqui Scott, David Swainston, and was that Yasmin?

  • Photo of karenilexmead
    karenilexmead Apr 13, 2023

    Hi Lindsey, yes I don't think our paths have crossed yet but I have walked before with the Gaucin group and regularly with Jacqui, David and Yasmin. I usually walk with the Don't Look Down group based in Soto. Look forward to meeting you at some point, we had a blast today and a lovely lunch at El Molino

  • Photo of Shark Bait
    Shark Bait Feb 23, 2024

    Hi, I’m part of a hiking group and we are headed to Ronda in early May. Yay! This walk looks fabulous! I’m assuming that we can take trains from Ronda and follow your suggested itinerary for the GR141. Do you have any recommendations for us to explore the area on foot and see some of the other towns? We are hiking for four day and will need to use public transportation for hikes further afield. I’ve also downloaded your Gaucin series. TIA, Laura

  • Photo of Elsie Bee
    Elsie Bee Feb 24, 2024

    Hi Laura! You will absolutely love the hiking around Ronda and Gaucin. In order to answer your questions, I need to know how many of you are in your hiking group? Because that will determine modes of transport and accommodation options. Let me know, then I'll get back to you. Regards, Lindsey

  • Photo of Shark Bait
    Shark Bait Feb 25, 2024

    Hi Lindsey,
    Thank you so very much for getting back to me and for any assistance!
    We are a group of 14 who get together each year for a hiking adventure. We are all booked in for accommodation in Ronda. I’m assisting in planning the hikes. So far I thought 1. take the late morning train to Benaojan and hike back to Ronda, 2. Hike to Setenil and take the 3:45 train to return.
    It seems that train and bus travel is limited so we would be fine with arranging a mini coach so that we can best explore the area. Grazalema to Zahara looks like a good option. Any suggestions for good hikes or how best to organise would be greatly appreciated! I’m on Komoot and All Trails as well but first hand knowledge is always best.
    Many thanks and all best,

  • Photo of Elsie Bee
    Elsie Bee Feb 25, 2024

    Hi Laura. OK. 1. Trains. 14 of you is a reasonably big group and for any train trips I would recommend booking your tickets online a couple of days before on the website. Or at least check the fare and make sure everyone has the correct change, some of the journeys are short and it's tricky for the conductor to collect the fares from a group (and we want to keep the line going so the more people who pay, the better). On my train based hikes I would generally prefer to travel outward by train and return on foot, because then you are not committed to getting to the station by a particular time. But be aware that Ronda is higher than many of the surrounding villages so if you do that, you will always be finishing with a slog uphill. Doing it the other way round, there are early evening trains from many villages, which means you could start walking from Ronda (downhill!) and still have plenty of time to return on the train; maybe having a beer/snack whilst waiting for the train at the other end.

  • Photo of Elsie Bee
    Elsie Bee Feb 25, 2024

    2. Coaches. Given that you only have four days hiking I think there's enough to do based around the train routes, as booking coaches adds a further level of organisation and's doable but can be expensive...we use a firm local to Gaucin but I suggest you look for a Ronda based coach company if you need to do this.

  • Photo of Elsie Bee
    Elsie Bee Feb 25, 2024

    3. Routes. You say you have four days of hiking. I would definitely recommend these three which use the trains, you will love the scenery. 1.RONDA to BENAOJAN. As discussed; you could start with this wiki trail at the top of the page - Ronda to Benaojan station, which is not difficult and so a good warmup. I have an alternative Wikiloc trail for the same route which is identical until the end of the valley but then the alternative goes flat along the river via the Cueva del Gato (a spectacular cave) whereas this original one goes up and over to the top main village of Benaojan and down to the station. Alternative is called: "Ronda to Benaojan via Cueva del Gato", ID 150632818.

    2. CORTES STATION TO GAUCIN STATION VIA THE GERMAN BRIDGE. From Ronda this would involve a morning train from Ronda to Cortes de la Frontera, you then walk from Cortes to Gaucin station, and then return on the train from Gaucin to Ronda. It's do-able with the train times. Have a look at my wiki track "Estacion Cortes to El Colmenar (Estacion Gaucin)" Wiki ID 114386425. The German bridge is amazing and the scenery down the Guadiaro valley is a wonder to behold. This is a must - do hike for you. Look at the photos on my track!

    3. Finally, I suggest "Encinas Borrachas - Acueducto Romano - Ronda - Tajo Abanico circular" wikiloc ID 133846259. I started at Encinas Borrachas (a mountain pass) but you could do the same route starting in Ronda. It goes through the "Tajo Abanico" which is a fantastic mountain gorge and past a huge cave system.

    Finally, some of our most favourite hikes are in the Cortes/Villaluenga/Grazalema area; the ""Llano de Libar" and "Llano del Republicano" (hidden valleys) have to be seen to be believed. But they need transport to and from Ronda - so one suggestion is that you add in your planned Ronda to Setenil for the fourth hike in addition to my three suggestions above, and then come back and base yourselves in Grazalema on another occasion. Why don't you email me on: if you have any questions or comments and I'll do my best to help. Whatever you decide to do, it's a fabulous area for hiking - and Ronda is a great town to explore too, if people get sore feet or just want a day off hiking! You'll have a great time. Kind regards, Lindsey

  • Photo of Shark Bait
    Shark Bait Feb 25, 2024

    Wow — thank you Lindsey! This is fabulous. I will email you with any further questions when I have the chance to go through everything. Very much appreciated!

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