
Ghalilah Dam - STH RB - Jebel Jais True Summit. (One way)


Trail photos

Photo ofGhalilah Dam - STH RB - Jebel Jais True Summit. (One way) Photo ofGhalilah Dam - STH RB - Jebel Jais True Summit. (One way) Photo ofGhalilah Dam - STH RB - Jebel Jais True Summit. (One way)


Trail stats

8.27 mi
Elevation gain
8,307 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,012 ft
Max elevation
6,203 ft
Min elevation
491 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
4 hours 55 minutes
6 hours 20 minutes
January 28, 2024
January 2024
Be the first to clap

near Ras Ash, Raʼs al Khaymah (United Arab Emirates)

Viewed 89 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo ofGhalilah Dam - STH RB - Jebel Jais True Summit. (One way) Photo ofGhalilah Dam - STH RB - Jebel Jais True Summit. (One way) Photo ofGhalilah Dam - STH RB - Jebel Jais True Summit. (One way)

Itinerary description

The Elevation Gain should be about 1950 meters.

If you followed my trail, referred my detailed text and if it helped you in achieving your goal or not, Kindly leave a comment / review on wikiloc post after your hike.
It will be helpful for fellow hikers to understand the trail and your inputs will be appreciated.

My non commercial FB Page dedicated to UAE Hiking activities.
Please follow and like the page for previous hikes and future hikes updates.

We hiked this trail with a leisure pace, taking pictures and enjoying the foggy weather with almost no sunlight.

Please read all details in the Description, including Safety related Topics below.

We started from Wadi Ghalilah Dam towards Wadi Litibah in RAK at 6.30 am which is the usual start point of STH right Bank.
We parked at the dam here if your car is a Sedan.
25.980939645908684, 56.14556446393915

We first walked on almost flat wadi offroad for about 3 kms till the base village of STH trail.

If you have 4X4, you can drive through the offroad we walked and park here.
25.984440, 56.166803

Then we hiked up on STH Right Bank till the Ras al Ghash village in 3 hours using Standard STH Right bank trail.
The trail is very well laid and visible and maintained, you simply can't get lost.
There are many rest shelters constructed for every Km and has stone benches for resting.

Once at the village, we met the farm hand Mr. Sajjad and rested a bit.
Then continued till Jais True Summit of Jais at 1932 Meters Elevation in 1.5 hours ( Total 4.5 hours to the Summit ).
There is a properly visible trail that will take you to the top of Jebel Jais.

Please note that the true summit 1935 mtrs of Jais is geographically within Oman boundary line. There is no fence there.

From this summit, you have few options to continue.

1. Return back to Wadi Litibah.
2. Hike to Wadi Ghalilah.
3. Hike to Jais view deck park.
4. Hike to Wadi Lahsa using Highlander 2022 trail.

Please wear proper ankle support hiking boots for more safety and a better experience.

Few clarification from my end.

This is part sun exposed and part shaded hike. We started early and in January, so we had good shade during our Ascent almost until we reached the Ras al Ghash ( STH summit ) village. The Mountain wall on Eastern side (Omani) gives a lot of shade in the mornings. In late winter / summer, April, you may get shade till you reach the dry waterfall ( midpoint of STH trail) and from there I feel you will have exposure to the sunlight all the way and all the time.

There are not many trees on the trail further.
Basically you need to give an early start to take advantage of gaining the elevation as fast a s possible without effect of Sun.

We started from Ghalilah dam. The initial 3 kms was flat walk from Ghalilah dam till Litibah.

Carry enough supplies considering the weather.

Worse to worse case scenario, you may find drinking water in STH village,

Be safe, prepare well, Do not over estimate and enjoy your moments in the middle of nowhere. Take back all your rubbish with you.

Do Not Try Any Mountain Hikes If You Do Not Understand The Mountain Terrains, Dangers From Wildlife, First Aid, Hydration And Snacks, Your Own Fitness, Remote Activity Preparations, Communication Tools, Mountain Geography, Topography, Risk Factors, HSE Requirements, Hiking Risks, Fitness Level Of The Group Members.
Study All Above Matters Well Before Following Any Trails That You Find Online. Please Do Not Over Estimate Yourself.
Better Be Safe Than Put Yourself / Group In Danger And Regret Later.
Lately We Have Seen A Lot Of Unwanted Hiking Incidents That Could Have Been Avoided With Better Preparation.
Wish You All The Best.
Wikiloc, Only For Reference. There Can Be Errors On The GPS Recording Due To GPS Jumping In The Wadi Sections or Erroneous Recording.


PictographIntersection Altitude 584 ft
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PictographIntersection Altitude 3,568 ft
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PictographIntersection Altitude 3,802 ft
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PictographIntersection Altitude 3,795 ft
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PictographIntersection Altitude 3,583 ft
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PictographIntersection Altitude 3,508 ft
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PictographIntersection Altitude 4,732 ft
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PictographIntersection Altitude 5,211 ft
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PictographIntersection Altitude 5,229 ft
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PictographIntersection Altitude 5,755 ft
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PictographIntersection Altitude 5,747 ft
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PictographIntersection Altitude 5,817 ft
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PictographSummit Altitude 5,880 ft
Photo ofSummit Photo ofSummit


PictographSummit Altitude 5,726 ft
Photo ofSummit



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