
Geleen - Daniken


Trail photos

Photo ofGeleen - Daniken


Trail stats

2.9 mi
Elevation gain
141 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
141 ft
Max elevation
324 ft
Min elevation
168 ft
Trail type
December 16, 2018
December 2018
Be the first to clap

near Krawinkel, Limburg (Nederland)

Viewed 220 times, downloaded 5 times

Trail photos

Photo ofGeleen - Daniken

Itinerary description

Why worthwhile? The beautiful view from Danikerberg.

Starting point: parking lot sport centre Glanerbrook [Geleen – Limburg]

Distance: 5 km

Details: short walk across asphalted and forest roads. 1 climb to Danikerberg.
Route description

From the parking lot we walk towards the main road (Kummenaedestraat) and go somewhat upwards towards the park (eastern direction). We follow the footpath up towards the cycle and skating track to our left. At the steps we go right down towards the road (Irenelaan) and follow it in north eastern direction. At the intersection we go right (Oranjelaan) and at the y-fork that follows we keep right (Danikerstraat). After this we cross the main road and into the right slanted road and then we cross the railroad. Directly left down we reach the hamlet Daniken.

We follow the road, cross the river and take a right at the T-fork. Than we take a direct left up on to a dirt (broad) path. Via a ravine we keep on walking up (Koolweg). At a fork we keep left and via the woods we reach the highest point where we have a beautiful view of Munstergeleen and Sittard.

Here we keep to the right following the edge of the forest. We keep following the path. In a wide bend we walk along the forest edge (beautiful view across Sweikhuizen) until we reach the next fork in the road where we go downwards right at a right-angle (we keep following the forest edge). At the bottom we keep left and walk towards Riding School Ten Eysden. Across the bridge, taking a short left and than a right to walk around the stables. Via the asphalted roads we cross the railroads again and walk further towards the main road (Frans Erenslaan). We follow it to the left for a short while and then take the next byway on our right (Van Veldekelaan). The street follows on to a T-fork: we go right here and the next street left (we walk around the church). We follow this street (Lijsterstraat) to the end, than take a right (Meeuwenlaan). We walk down this broad road and when we reach its lowest point take a right (Kanariestraat) directly back to the parking lot.

Done in 2011.


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