
From Theth to Nikç


Trail photos

Photo ofFrom Theth to Nikç Photo ofFrom Theth to Nikç Photo ofFrom Theth to Nikç


Trail stats

15.99 mi
Elevation gain
4,656 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
5,561 ft
Max elevation
6,393 ft
Min elevation
2,260 ft
Trail type
One Way
one day 3 hours 28 minutes
December 3, 2015
June 2014
Be the first to clap

near Hardedaj, Shkodër (Albania)

Viewed 3382 times, downloaded 135 times

Trail photos

Photo ofFrom Theth to Nikç Photo ofFrom Theth to Nikç Photo ofFrom Theth to Nikç

Itinerary description

This trail describes the transfer route from Theth to Nikç. It is recommended to experienced and well prepared (map, GPS) mountain hikers only. The karst area behind Maja e Arapit is confusing. The trail is marked, in principle, but the marks are sparse and it is still easy to get lost. There's no surface water at all, and knife-sharp limestone edges to avoid. If in any doubt, please consider the help of a guide. Decent weather is recommended.

The passage took me 9 hours from Theth to Qafa e Dobraçes (a shepherds dwelling) and another 2 hours to
Nikç, with heavy backpack, (tent and all). The plan was to stay the night at Qafa e Dobraçes. The shepherd would not let me stay, but I found a nice and hidden campsite half an our down the way, including water supply. The fountain is named Ujë e Samagradit - see the waypoints. With hindsight, I would recommend to leave the tent at home and to travel light. This would allow you to make the passage to Nikç without overnight stay. As I learned, there is quite agreeable accomodation in Nikç.

From Theth to the pass Qafa e Pejës the trail is easy. Before starting the ascent, make sure to fill your water supply at Burimi i Shtrazës. Just before lake Liqeni i Pejës there is a signposted branch to the left. From there on, it becomes difficult. If you have made for Qafa e Dobraçe, the rest again is easy.

Have fun.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

Ujë e Samagradit

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

Qafa e Dobraçes

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

My Campsite

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

Burimi i Shtrazës

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

Liqeni i Pejës

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

Qafa e Pejës

Comments  (2)

  • Photo of mansur
    mansur May 13, 2021

    Hello, is this route very difficult? do I have a good gps? Where can I get a map of the area in Albania? my intention is to do
    theth to nikc
    nikc to vermosh
    vermosh to lepushe
    lepusshe to theth

  • Photo of erikheinz
    erikheinz May 15, 2021

    Hi Mansur,
    technically, the route from Theth to Nikç is moderately difficult, no climbing passages etc. But the route is only sparsely marked and difficult to find. At least it was in 2014. Moreover, the terrain behind Maja e Arapit is confusing and the route is not obvious. It might be dangerous in case of bad weather.
    You might contact the guys at for advice. They have first hand information. May be, the situation has improved.
    The other parts to Vermosh are well signposted and much easier. About current map supply, I don't know.
    Best regards,

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