
From Cala Luna to Santa Maria Navarrese


Trail photos

Photo ofFrom Cala Luna to Santa Maria Navarrese Photo ofFrom Cala Luna to Santa Maria Navarrese Photo ofFrom Cala Luna to Santa Maria Navarrese


Trail stats

35.84 mi
Elevation gain
7,018 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
6,942 ft
Max elevation
2,158 ft
Min elevation
4 ft
Trail type
One Way
2 days 3 hours 56 minutes
August 15, 2013
August 2013
Be the first to clap

near Dorgali, Sardegna (Italia)

Viewed 2407 times, downloaded 61 times

Trail photos

Photo ofFrom Cala Luna to Santa Maria Navarrese Photo ofFrom Cala Luna to Santa Maria Navarrese Photo ofFrom Cala Luna to Santa Maria Navarrese

Comments  (9)

  • Photo of emanuele_aho
    emanuele_aho Aug 16, 2013

    Fantastico, non vedo l'ora di fare anche io tutto il percorso!!!

  • AlexanderAlex Apr 11, 2014

    Hallo Marius, kannst du bitte sagen, ob diese Route spezielle Ausrüstung benötigt? z.B. fürs abseilen.

  • Photo of _Marius
    _Marius Apr 15, 2014

    No, it's not technically difficult track. It's enough to have sturdy shoes and a bit of endurance :) Maybe hiking poles can help you a bit, but we were without them.

    Translated via Google Translate:
    Nein, es ist technisch nicht schwierig Spur. Es ist genug, festes Schuhwerk und ein wenig Ausdauer haben :) Vielleicht Wanderstöcke können Sie ein bisschen helfen, aber wir waren ohne sie.

  • AlexanderAlex Apr 15, 2014

    thank you a lot! in two weeks i will try your track :)

  • Photo of _Marius
    _Marius Apr 15, 2014

    Cool! I wish to come back here :) Look at my screenshot, zoom on map where I marked red dot. Here is very uncertain part of the trail. You need to go through the yard or even more, through the barn. So don't be afraid :) Good luck!

  • AlexanderAlex Apr 16, 2014

    oh, i will pay attention to this part :) btw, are there any water sources on the trail? i heard its hard to find water on the island.

  • Photo of _Marius
    _Marius Apr 16, 2014

    Not too much. On this particular trail there is bar in Cala Luna and Cala Sisine beach. You can get food, drinks etc here. I just don't know if it works this time of the year. The next water/food source is Rifugio Cooperativa Goloritzè ( This is good place to stay. Of course you can find some fresh water sources on the trail, but you have to take care of water quality. Distance between these points is not longer than 2-3 hours between Cala Luna and Cala Sisine and 4-6 hours between Cala Sisine Rifugio Cooperativa Goloritzè. But in general about island - yes, you have to take care of water!

  • AlexanderAlex Apr 16, 2014

    i guess this bars are closed in april. anyway, then i will take with me few bottles more :) thank you for information!

  • David Montejo Mar 7, 2015

    Hello Marius,

    we are thinking of doing a route in the east coast of Sardinia as well.
    Why exactly did you catergorize this route as "dificult"? What kind of dificulties are there? Do you have to climb?

    Where did you sleep?

    Best greets :)

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