
Frenchman Mountain Trailhead


Trail photos

Photo ofFrenchman Mountain Trailhead Photo ofFrenchman Mountain Trailhead Photo ofFrenchman Mountain Trailhead


Trail stats

4.07 mi
Elevation gain
2,234 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
249 ft
Max elevation
3,973 ft
Min elevation
1,968 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
one hour 34 minutes
one hour 58 minutes
November 25, 2021
November 2021
Be the first to clap

near Hillegas (historical), Nevada (United States)

Viewed 47 times, downloaded 1 times

Trail photos

Photo ofFrenchman Mountain Trailhead Photo ofFrenchman Mountain Trailhead Photo ofFrenchman Mountain Trailhead

Itinerary description

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Small mountain in the northeastern area of the city of Las Vegas, ideal for cardio due to its inclinations. You can get to the starting point by car.
The recommendations are to have good grippy footwear since the terrain is arid and made of loose stone. It is also important to take care of your walking technique to avoid ankle injuries or leg exhaustion.
The route has no loss, you follow the same path that is rather an off-road road, at this time when winter begins the winds are cold but nothing to stop you, for the summer season it is advisable to walk before 10 am since the temperature is very high in the afternoon, in both cases hydrate very well before, during and after the activity.
Approximately 2 h to go up and a little less going down, the route is approximately 6.5 ks in one direction ... good activity for a day 13k


PictographPhoto Altitude 2,391 ft
Photo ofInicio


Punto para iniciar el recorrido

PictographPhoto Altitude 2,703 ft
Photo ofFoto


Primer descanso para tomar aire y seguir hacia el primer zigzag

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,041 ft
Photo ofPrimer zigzag

Primer zigzag

Quí inicia el primer zigzag, toma aliento y sigue

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,543 ft
Photo ofFoto


Terminando este zigzag encontramos una zona plana de descanso

PictographPhoto Altitude 3,277 ft
Photo ofTramo final

Tramo final

After a small descent and a short plan we prepare for the last zigzag which is steeper. The goal is the towers

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PictographPhoto Altitude 3,887 ft
Photo ofZona de antenas

Zona de antenas

This is the top of the mountain where you can see the entire city of Las Vegas Nevada

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PictographPhoto Altitude 3,946 ft
Photo ofFinal del recorrido

Final del recorrido

Iniciamos el regreso por el mismo camino


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