
Ella - Ella Rock (1.348 m)


Trail photos

Photo ofElla - Ella Rock (1.348 m) Photo ofElla - Ella Rock (1.348 m) Photo ofElla - Ella Rock (1.348 m)


Trail stats

5.8 mi
Elevation gain
1,490 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,490 ft
Max elevation
4,421 ft
Min elevation
3,266 ft
Trail type
3 hours 59 minutes
September 3, 2019
August 2019

near Ella Town, Uva (Sri Lanka)

Viewed 2199 times, downloaded 184 times

Trail photos

Photo ofElla - Ella Rock (1.348 m) Photo ofElla - Ella Rock (1.348 m) Photo ofElla - Ella Rock (1.348 m)

Itinerary description

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Ella Rock (1,348 m) is the most important mountain in Ella. An authentic viewpoint towards the valleys and mountains that surround the city and a route with very high expectations. It is one of the great attractions of the area, so let's get to know Ella Rock!


We start the route near our accommodation, in the center of Ella and surrounded by bars, cafes and restaurants of all kinds. An ideal place to enjoy all the excursions that we can do in Ella.


We began walking towards the upper part of Ella, heading towards the tracks that lead towards the Kital Ella train station. Several curves along the street and a pretty steep stretch until reaching the level of said roads.

Once here, we will have two alternatives. The first will be the most comfortable, continue along the tracks until you reach the aforementioned train station, continuing the route here. The second option, chosen option, will tour the upper part of Ella, passing through its streets and having beautiful views of the town. In any case, very comfortable options to complete this first section of the route. On the way back we will return along the tracks, thus making this small section circular.

Once the first section is completed, we follow a detour to reach the level of the tracks, where we turn left, heading towards the Kital Ella train station. Here, on the way back, the aforementioned circular section will begin.

We are completing another small section along the tracks, having to be very careful, since the train can pass at any time and there are sections where there is not enough space.

Still along the tracks, we cross a bridge and continue, closer and closer to Kital Ella.

After crossing the bridge, we will have two options to continue. One option will be to continue along the tracks to the station, turning towards Ella Rock later. The other option will be to turn left and continue halfway up the slope towards Ella Rock, always looking for the highest part with beautiful views towards the valley and Ella Rock. We choose this second option, since it gives us greater incentives!

We descend quickly until we reach a curious bridge that we must cross. Right after, we came across an intersection. A local tells us that the path is to the right. However, we follow a track in which the path continues to the left. Having better views to the left, we continued our track, ignoring the local's instructions. We do not know where the right path would go. There are many options to ascend Ella Rock, but none of them are properly signposted!

We continue halfway up the slope with beautiful views towards the valley, at which point we must pay attention to the next detour. A large rock high up will be the best reference to take the right path. If we continued on the same course, we would begin to go down, so bad. Once we sight the rock, we turn to the right and go up a few meters to take a new path.

We continue the route crossing a huge tea field. There are several options and several trails to follow. Without losing height, they all head towards the same place, a kind of cabin.

Arriving at the small cabin, we found a sign towards Ella Rock. We follow the detour to the left. The path that comes from Kital Ella would reach this point, so, from here, we will be on the official route, regardless of how this point is accessed. We take a second detour.

We continue on a slight ascent and without complications, reaching a kind of hill, a place where we get a nice panoramic view of the area! Some locals offer us drinks and fruit!

We are facing the last part of the ascension, radically changing the route. We begin the most demanding and difficult section of the route, along a very marked path, without loss and with a lot of dirt and loose stones.

At the end of this short and demanding stretch, we turn left, taking a much wider and easier path. The slope softens as we approach the summit of Ella Rock. Around here we also find a kind of cabin or shelter and an information sign.

A few more steps and we arrive at Ella Rock (1,348 m), a sublime natural balcony! Stunning views, predominating the beautiful panoramic view of the valley and Little Adam's Peak. Rocky summit and full of people, so we did not hesitate to quickly take a few photos and leave it to rest in a quieter place. At the top, several locals offering juices, drinks and fruit. We enjoyed a good time at Ella Rock!

We will return following the same route as we came, taking the first steps along the comfortable path and descending rapidly along the path, taking special care not to slip.

Back at the hill, we continue the route following the same detours and crossing the tea field until we reach the tracks again. We complete the known section and continue through them until we reach the first detour we find on the route, thus completing a small circular section. We were lucky enough to see the train go by, so we really enjoyed the walk along the tracks.

Again on the first detour, all that remains is to descend through the streets of Ella towards the busiest part of the city.

In a few minutes, we are back at our accommodation, ending the route.


Climbing Ella Rock (1,348 m) is an activity that every mountaineer must do. A route without major difficulties and quite poorly signposted, so we must be especially careful at various points and detours. It seems like it's close, but getting to the top will make us have to push our legs hard. Very nice views all the way to and from Ella Rock. Another unmissable route in Ella!


Ella - Ella Rock (1,348 m)

Route Index
Route Map
Summits Map

Rubén Wanderlust (

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,302 ft
Photo ofElla



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,324 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,431 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographRisk Altitude 3,432 ft
Photo ofVías



PictographBridge Altitude 3,506 ft
Photo ofPuente



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,511 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographBridge Altitude 3,491 ft
Photo ofPuente



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,491 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,625 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,698 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographIntersection Altitude 3,721 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographIntersection Altitude 4,357 ft
Photo ofDesvío



PictographInformation point Altitude 4,364 ft
Photo ofCartel informativo

Cartel informativo

Cartel informativo

PictographSummit Altitude 4,364 ft
Photo ofElla Rock (1.348 m)

Ella Rock (1.348 m)

Ella Rock (1.348 m)

PictographMountain hut Altitude 4,413 ft
Photo ofRefugio



Photo ofCollado



PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofCampo de Té

Campo de Té

Campo de Té

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,428 ft
Photo ofDesvío



Comments  (2)

  • Photo of jaznar.ruhof
    jaznar.ruhof Jan 29, 2022

    No seguir esta ruta. Está cerrada. El dueño de una pequeña plantación de té ha bloqueado la ruta.

  • Photo of Rubén Wanderlust
    Rubén Wanderlust Jan 29, 2022

    jaznar.ruhof, muchas gracias por la aportación! Es posible que se pueda evitar por la vía, con la correspondiente prudencia! Saludos!

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