
El Colmenar to Cortes Estacion via Buitreras



Trail stats

8.78 mi
Elevation gain
1,759 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,407 ft
Max elevation
1,600 ft
Min elevation
694 ft
Trail type
One Way
4 hours 42 minutes
March 24, 2011
October 2010
Be the first to clap

near El Colmenar, Andalucía (España)

Viewed 1875 times, downloaded 71 times

Itinerary description

Take the train to El Colmenar then down to the river towards the gorge. Hard climb up above the Puente Aleman then across the bridge. (Not easy if you suffer from vertigo, I crawled on my hands & knees. From here up the hill to Casa Grande then track to Cortes estacion and a well earned beer.

Comments  (6)

  • Photo of darwent
    darwent Mar 24, 2011

    There is a false start we took the wrong road at first then came back.

  • Graham Sacristan Apr 26, 2012

    Just completed this route yesterday.Still recovering from the effort. In all fairness the difficulty level should be re-assessed as "Hard", if not "Very Hard". Very rewarding views nonetheless, but not to be undertaken during the warmer months.

  • Photo of darwent
    darwent Apr 26, 2012

    Graham I´m surprised you want to make it very hard ´cos apart from the scramble uphill and down to the tunnel it´s not that bad. I am a wozzy because of the problem with the bridge but the rest is pretty easy...lots of flat and well trodden. Reckon it would be OK in JUly/August ´cos the sun should be casting shadows (Hank Marvin excepted!) But glad you enjoyed it and nice to hear comments from folks. All the best!

  • Photo of louis alv
    louis alv Apr 26, 2012

    I was one of seven in Graham's party and none of us considered this one to be a moderate hike. I wouldn't go as far as 'very hard' but maybe moderate/hard. We recently did Estacion Jimera-Estacion Cortes-Cortes about 15/16km and found it easier than this route. Nevertheless a great route fantastic views and photos and a sense of achievement at the end of it and a good reason to have lots of beer, as if we needed one. Thanks for posting this route. Cheers

  • ekmelo Mar 20, 2014

    I have been to colmenar for a short visit. I too took the wrong
    road looking for the start of this walk. running out time I had to abort the search. Any information to make it easier to find the start of the walk would be apreciated

  • Photo of louis alv
    louis alv Mar 20, 2014

    Aim for the large white pipe. A while after leaving the town centre you should be walking along a road with large trees on the right, then you'll come up to a large iron gate, if closed there's a side door which should be open. Once you reach the pipe walk uphill parallel to the pipe for about 10 or 20 metres. Turn right and soon you should sight the river and the path.

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