
Didima to Rainbow Gorge and Tryme Hill


Trail photos

Photo ofDidima to Rainbow Gorge and Tryme Hill Photo ofDidima to Rainbow Gorge and Tryme Hill Photo ofDidima to Rainbow Gorge and Tryme Hill


Trail stats

7.79 mi
Elevation gain
1,572 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,572 ft
Max elevation
5,580 ft
Min elevation
4,555 ft
Trail type
3 hours 39 minutes
September 18, 2016
September 2016
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1 comment

near Makhwelela, Province of KwaZulu-Natal (Republic of South Africa)

Viewed 2118 times, downloaded 57 times

Trail photos

Photo ofDidima to Rainbow Gorge and Tryme Hill Photo ofDidima to Rainbow Gorge and Tryme Hill Photo ofDidima to Rainbow Gorge and Tryme Hill

Itinerary description

A beautiful walk from Didima hutted camp into the forest and up the Gorge to the Choke Stone followed by a shimmy up Tryme Hill to the top of the gully.

The path is mostly good however the last 500m or so does involve a series of river crossings and bolder hops to the Choke Stone.

Got a picture of the Choke Stone but it was very wet with all the "rain" falling into the gorge the camera kept fogging up so its not the best picture.

On a sunny day in the afternoon I suspect you will see rainbows but the sun was not at the right angle for us. If you can get the timing right it will be spectacular.


PictographTunnel Altitude 5,266 ft
Photo ofChoke Stone

Choke Stone

A Stone caught and suppended between two cliffs

PictographPanorama Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofTryme Hill Photo ofTryme Hill

Tryme Hill

The view from the top of the Tryme Hill gully

Comments  (1)

  • Fesler Nov 1, 2019

    Nice trail but takes min. 5 hours in total with break(s) when walking at moderate speed.

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