De Haere - Zandverstuiving Doornspijk
near Wessinge, Gelderland (Nederland)
Viewed 9971 times, downloaded 101 times
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Itinerary description
This trail contains two drinking locations for dogs. The ponds at those locations are marked with waypoints on this wikiloc trail and contain water all year long.
Please note that there is a chance that you will encounter horses at certain parts of the trail. Therefore, pay attention to the various green and white signs that mark such trails.
Please note that there is a chance that you will encounter horses at certain parts of the trail. Therefore, pay attention to the various green and white signs that mark such trails.
43 ft
Mini zoo
The owner of a private property next to the sand drift has a lot of different animals roaming on his property. Zebra's, camels, deer, etc can be spotted along the trail.
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Easy to follow
Mooie wandeling, wel veel mul zand en een gedeelte loopt parallel aan de A28 (niet zichtbaar wel hoorbaar)