
[DAY 1] 5 day trek in the picos the europa, tough but worth it



Trail stats

7.19 mi
Elevation gain
4,029 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,093 ft
Max elevation
6,425 ft
Min elevation
2,880 ft
Trail type
One Way
4 hours 8 minutes
September 20, 2016
August 2016
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near Sotres, Asturias (España)

Viewed 223 times, downloaded 3 times

Itinerary description

This is a 5 day trip in the mountains, 3 refugio's with services and one cabana without and some serious heights to conquer.

The Picos de Europa are an amazing little piece of nature ticked away in north Spain. You'll walk around 2000m so nothing extreme, but it'll look a lot higher due to the roughness of the terrain.
You need nothing more then a good pair of shoes and a good condition to this trip (apart from the usual stuff you carry with you in the mountains)

Startpoint is the highest village in the Picos, Sotros at 1000m (reachable by car, mountain taxi or bus (once a day). The end is on the LLagos, two nice lakes that are a major tourist attraction for some reason. This has the advantage that you can take a bus here (4x per hour in high season) down to Cangas the Onis.

The first trek is from Sotros to the highest peak, and the refugio de Urielli.
This is quite a busy track, many daytrippers to it, but it's very nice and not to cumbersome. A total of 4-6 hour max will be enough.

The second day it a very technical day. Once you leave the refugio you will be mostly on your own. bring a pair of sturdy gloves for this trip, since you will have to climb up a part where there are some ropes to help you. Once up you can check on the tiny Cabane veronica. From there we follow the 'red dot' over a something that cannot be called a path. You are required to jump, climb and crawl over a mountain range and back down again. Quite an adventure, again, bring gloves, the rocks are sharp!
Once you're down again, the refugio is not far away. 6-7 hours should be enough.

The 3th day is a torment :-) You go down from the refugio (2000m) to Cordinanes de Valdeon (800m no shops, just a bar that might be open, be sure to refill your water) and back up to the Huerta (2000m). Both the descend and the ascend are very steep and sometimes quite adventurous. Keep in mind that the Cabane Huerta is just an emergency shelter, no services, just a little spring). At least 8 hours are required for this trip.

The 4th day is a lot easier, a couple of hours on a rather even path guides you to the refugio Vegarradonda when you can dump your stuff and walk an hour to the Mirador de Ordiales (and on hour back evidently). No more then 4 hours are required.

The last day is an easy descend to the Llagos, passing a lot of cows. The bus drivers at the Llagos are used to backpackers, the'll happily sell a ticket down and guide you back to civilisation


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