
Cruz de Pinto from Nerja



Trail stats

5.92 mi
Elevation gain
2,011 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,132 ft
Max elevation
1,602 ft
Min elevation
92 ft
Trail type
One Way
4 hours 28 minutes
November 26, 2018
November 2018
Be the first to clap

near Nerja, Andalucía (España)

Viewed 907 times, downloaded 11 times

Itinerary description

This walk begins in Nerja and heads for the Cruz de Pinto and the Cruz de Felix, and eventually Frigiliana. Allow about 4.5 hours, or a little more, to enjoy the views.
Walk begins at the bus station in Nerja. Take the steps down to the dusty (or muddy) car park and cross under the roadway. Follow the course of the Chillar river up steam until you reach the entrance (marked by a notice board and a barrier)) to the Parque Natural. Swing left, up a steep concreted hill, and follow signs for "Quinto Pinto", going right at the Y fork. The route up the mountain proper is opposite "Quinto Pinto" and is marked by a "Private Property" and "Hunting Action" sign. Ignore these, and follow the trail to the top of the mountain, where you will find a seventeenth century shrine to the Virgin. Stop, look and admire the superb views back down to Maro, Nerja and along the coast towards Torre del Mar.
Continue on the trail (behind the shrine) until you see a dirt trail to your left, near some bee hives. Taking this trail will bring you to Frigiliana by a shorter route, should you wish.
Otherwise, continue up hill, eventually passing a triangular based pile of stones, while listening to the roar of the hydroelectric station on the Chillar river below you and to your right.
This will bring you yo the Cruz de Felix, where the views are not as spectacular. The trail continues to the back right of the monument (it can be a little hard to find), before joining a section of the GR 247. This then forks, and you will go left to descend into the valley of the Higueron river below. Go left here, and Frigiliana is out of sight on the high cliff to your right.
Should the river be full, and you would prefer not to get your feet wet, having passed the Pozo de Batan (the reservoir), you will notice a concrete water pipe above you to your right. You can walk along this to emerge onto a steep concrete pathway which leads to Frigiliana.
There are frequent buses to return you to Nerja (the timetable is on the wall at the entrance to the Casco Historico), or you can return via the river valley from La Molineta (about 1 kilometer away towards the sea)


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