
Country Walking: Westerham, Kent



Trail stats

8.75 mi
Elevation gain
1,063 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,063 ft
Max elevation
762 ft
Min elevation
286 ft
Trail type
April 15, 2020
April 2020
Be the first to clap

near Westerham, England (United Kingdom)

Viewed 52 times, downloaded 1 times


PictographWaypoint Altitude 337 ft

1 Start

From car park take signed footpath into town centre passing church. Situated on the green is an impressive statue of Churchill. On other side of road look for some stone steps which lead up to an alleyway called Water Lane: the route of both the Greensand Way (GW) and the Westerham to Chartwell Trail. Enclosed path soon reaches a gate leading into a field where latter trail keeps ahead while you turn R, following GW. Keep following GW waymarks, turning L along an access road that leads to a house, then bear R up footpath that climbs uphill affording fine views back. Continue through woodland. Maintain direction until you reach a road.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 614 ft


Turn L down to B269 T-junction. Watching carefully for traffic, turn R along road a short distance (easier to walk on L side) and L at footpath sign which leads down a driveway to a house with a triple garage. Continue along footpath on R through trees, then L down to an access road. Turn R and soon fork L along a path (Tandridge Border Path), and L again down to a lane and houses. Go R and then fork L. Shortly leave access road along narrow path on L that leads down to another access road.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 457 ft


Turn L down to Trevereux Manor and Cottages. Opposite latter go L over stile into fields and shortly L again. Continue east through fields, then uphill to a lane and houses. Turn R and R at T-junction to main road and Crockham Hill. Note memorial on village green.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 399 ft


Turn L and shortly go R along lane signed for village hall, school and church. There's a memorial to Octavia Hill in the church and she is buried in the churchyard. Follow footpath through fields and up a long flight of steps to Froghole. Turn R along lane to Mapleton Road. Turn L and very soon R along driveway signed for Chartwell Farm. After passing some oast houses, Chartwell's grounds can be glimpsed from a gate just off path to your L. Continue to Puddledock Lane and turn L to Toy's Hill, where you'll pass Octavia Hill's well.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 619 ft


Just before road junction turn L, soon rejoining GW. Keep ahead and follow it to Frenchstreet Farm. Turn L along GW but then leave it forking R to access road. Turn R, then L (opposite Brackenwood) along path through woodland of Hosey Common to car park and B2026. En route, you re-join Westerham-Chartwell Trail, followed all the way back. Cross road, turn L then R along footpath to T-junction. R back to Westerham.


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