
Country Walking: Alfriston & the Long Man, East Sussex



Trail stats

6.01 mi
Elevation gain
663 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
663 ft
Max elevation
618 ft
Min elevation
-7 ft
Trail type
April 15, 2020
April 2020
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near Alfriston, England (United Kingdom)

Viewed 21 times, downloaded 0 times


PictographWaypoint Altitude 14 ft

1 Start

Exiting car park, turn L (south) through village. Just after the George Inn, turn L through alley to emerge on village green (tye) - note church and clergy house on far side, well worth a visit later (clergy house has seasonal opening). Pass green sea-mine and take path heading east off the tye (keeping church R). Cross footbridge over river, then a second across small stream, to reach road.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 30 ft


Cross road and go through gate on far side (slightly R). Follow path, passing through gate and continue uphill. Where path splits, turn L through line of trees and continue uphill across large field, passing through hedgeline halfway up. At top, drop down into sunken lane (South Downs Way). Turn R to pass through parking area and reach road. Cross road, go through gate on far side, and continue uphill on chalk track. Where path splits, go L to lip of hillside and turn R on grassy track. Pass through ditch and go through gate, descending into coombe to reach the foot of the Long Man of Wilmington.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 310 ft


Detour L through gate and down lane for best view of Long Man. Return to gate, go through and turn L, continuing on earlier path along bottom of hillside. After 0.25 mile, at wooden post, turn sharp R on distinct grassy path climbing diagonally up hillside. At scarp of hill, pass through gate in fence and continue ahead to edge of deep coombe. Join South Downs Way, turning slightly L and skirting edge of coombe. Where SDW branches L, continue ahead on smaller path skirting edge of coombe, R. Follow fenceline and pass through gate and continue ahead on track towards trees. Pass through gate to Lullington Heath Nature Reserve.

PictographWaypoint Altitude 435 ft


Pass Winchester's Pond, L. Path becomes broader track, with hedge either side. Where track splits, continue on L fork for Litlington. Descend on track, passing through farmyard at bottom. Pass Long Man Brewery and emerge on the road. Turn L and follow road for 350 yards through Litlington. Take first path branching R (or continue on road for to Plough and Harrow pub) and follow twitten down to riverbank.

PictographWaypoint Altitude -7 ft


Turn R and follow riverbank for just over a mile, then turn L across footbridge (crossed earlier). On far side turn R along riverbank. Just before stile, turn L down bank onto lane. Follow lane into village. Turn R on main road and return to car park.


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