
Colombia . Volcán Galeras - Pasto


Trail photos

Photo ofColombia . Volcán Galeras - Pasto Photo ofColombia . Volcán Galeras - Pasto Photo ofColombia . Volcán Galeras - Pasto


Trail stats

8.61 mi
Elevation gain
5,308 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
5,308 ft
Max elevation
13,800 ft
63 4.7
Min elevation
8,401 ft
Trail type
8 hours 57 minutes
April 10, 2018
April 2018
  • Rating

  •   4.7 1 review

near Jenoy, Nariño (Republic of Colombia)

Viewed 8830 times, downloaded 124 times

Trail photos

Photo ofColombia . Volcán Galeras - Pasto Photo ofColombia . Volcán Galeras - Pasto Photo ofColombia . Volcán Galeras - Pasto

Itinerary description

Tomamos el bus E4 en el centro de Pasto, dirección Genoy hacia el punto de inicio del sendero. El precio del ticket fue 1600 COP / persona.
El sendero está bien marcado y bastante ancho en la mayor parte del camino.
La clasificación de "difícil" se debe a la fuerte inclinación y a la falta de oxígeno en el aire entre los 2600 y los 4200 metros de altitud.
El volcán está activo y se pueden ver muchos gases saliendo del cráter, por lo que el acercamiento a la cima debe hacerse con precaución.
Es un día lleno de hermosos paisajes que bien merecen el enorme esfuerzo de ascenso.

We arrived by bus at the starting point of the trail. We took the E4 bus in the center of Pasto, direction Genoy. The price of the ticket was 1600 COP / person.
The trail is well marked and quite wide for most of the course.
The classification of "difficult" is due to the strong inclination and the lack of oxygen in the air between 2600 and the 4200m altitude.
The volcano is active and you can see lots of gases coming out of the crater, so the approach to the top should be done with caution.
It is a full day walking through beautiful landscapes that are well worth the enormous effort of the ascent.

Chegámos de autocarro/ônibus ao ponto de partida da trilha. Apanhámos o autocarro E4 no centro de Pasto, direcção Genoy. O preço do bilhete foi de 1600 COP/pessoa.
A trilha é bem marcada e bastante larga na maior parte do percurso.
A classificação de "difícil" deve-se à forte inclinação e à falta de oxigénio no ar entre os 2600 e os 4200m de altitude.
O vulcão encontra-se activo podendo ver-se bastantes gases a sair da cratera, de modo que a aproximação ao topo deve ser feita com precaução.
É um dia inteiro de caminhada por paisagens lindissimas que valem bem o enorme esforço da subida.

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PictographIntersection Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVolcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Intersecção

Volcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Intersecção


PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVolcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Cerca de arame

Volcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Cerca de arame

Cerca de arame

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVolcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Cerca de arame

Volcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Cerca de arame

Cerca de arame

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVolcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Ribeiro, água corrente

Volcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Ribeiro, água corrente

Ribeiro, água corrente

PictographIntersection Altitude 0 ft

Volcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Intersecção

Volcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Intersecção

PictographIntersection Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVolcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Início da subida para a cratera

Volcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Início da subida para a cratera

Início da subida para a cratera

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVolcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Antena

Volcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Antena


PictographSummit Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVolcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Cratera Photo ofVolcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Cratera Photo ofVolcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Cratera

Volcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Cratera


PictographRiver Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVolcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Ribeiro

Volcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Ribeiro


PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft
Photo ofVolcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Estrada Pasto/Genoy

Volcán Galeras - Pasto - Colombia - Estrada Pasto/Genoy

Estrada Pasto/Genoy

Comments  (7)

  • Photo of gerszekely
    gerszekely Aug 31, 2018

    I have followed this trail  verified  View more

    Very beautiful trail. It is pretty steep all the way, but the scenery is very rewarding. We didn't meet anyone the whole day.

  • Photo of podetalko
    podetalko Aug 31, 2018

    Glad you liked the trail.
    We also didn't meet anyone. There are no tours and the ascent to the crater is officially forbidden... that's, maybe, the reason.

  • Photo of gerszekely
    gerszekely Aug 31, 2018

    Exactly. Although locals told us that there are unofficial guides on this trail. We went without one relying only on wikiloc and it was easy to follow the route.

  • Photo of Diego Vallejos
    Diego Vallejos Dec 7, 2018

    ohh my dear Volcan Galeras. We, locals, have a strong attach to this mountain. I have done this route three times, but two of them were ascending by the crag on the north side of the mountain, it's a bit dangerous but it is worth it.

    Finally, yes, the ascent is forbidden, there's even a road that access to the top on the south on the mountain, but because this is an active volcano, you cannot pass.

  • Photo of hernan arias 1
    hernan arias 1 Sep 1, 2023

    Holaaa... Actualmente se puede subir al volcan por esta ruta? Sabes de algún guia Local? Gracias.

  • Photo of podetalko
    podetalko Sep 1, 2023

    Hola Hernán
    No lo sé pero creo que está prohibido subir.
    Lamentablemente no puedo ayudarte, no conozco ningún guía ni nadie de la región.

  • Photo of hernan arias 1
    hernan arias 1 Sep 1, 2023

    Gracias hermano

You can or this trail