
Ciolandrea - Vallone Marcellino - La Vaccuta - Infreschi


Trail photos

Photo ofCiolandrea - Vallone Marcellino - La Vaccuta - Infreschi Photo ofCiolandrea - Vallone Marcellino - La Vaccuta - Infreschi Photo ofCiolandrea - Vallone Marcellino - La Vaccuta - Infreschi


Trail stats

6.97 mi
Elevation gain
2,159 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3,619 ft
Max elevation
1,850 ft
38 3
Min elevation
36 ft
Trail type
One Way
one hour 7 minutes
November 13, 2019
January 2010
  • Rating

  •   3 1 review

near San Giovanni A Piro, Campania (Italia)

Viewed 952 times, downloaded 29 times

Trail photos

Photo ofCiolandrea - Vallone Marcellino - La Vaccuta - Infreschi Photo ofCiolandrea - Vallone Marcellino - La Vaccuta - Infreschi Photo ofCiolandrea - Vallone Marcellino - La Vaccuta - Infreschi

Itinerary description

This route is for going on foot from San Giovanni a Piro or Scario along the coast, at least as close to the coast as possible. It is intended for trekking experts only and for the entire one way walk at least 5 hours should be planned!

It can be divided in five sections:
1. From Ciolandrea to Spiaggia Marcellino signposted as E12 easy to find and of moderate difficulty. The beach is perfect for bathing and snorkeling with very clear water.
IMPORTANT: If you don't like adventure it's the point for going back the same very beautiful way or organize a boat for bringing you back.
A few metres before reaching the valley ground the next section separates clearly visible to the right hand side.
2. from Spiaggia Marcellino through the Marcellino canyon towards SR562; it has recently been cleared from vegetation but may get blocked again or difficult to find; except for this its is neither difficult nor dangerous in any way; After crossing the normally dry riverbed the barely visible path ascends steeply through grass, later entering a forest. When leaving the forest there is a garden on the right side and the path to continue this route to the left side. Straight on a track leads to the road that connects Lentiscosa and San Giovanni a Piro at a place called Pietra Tagliata.
3. to the top of mount La Vaccuta; the path is quite visible at fist and later vanishing but orientation is very easy; from the top you can overlook the canyon and the area to be passed later
4. from La Vaccuta towards the track which connects Marina di Camerota and Infreschi without path, due to rugged landscape this is the most difficult part; orientation is easy because there is only low vegetation an you just have to descend all the time until you hit the dirt road
5. along the track to Infreschi with more great coastline panorama
I only walked sections 1 to 4 on October 23 and 24, 2019, section 5 on Oct. 22, 2020. From Infreschi you can continue to Marina di Camerota along the most famous hiking trail in the area or organise a boat ride.

The gpx is extracted from openstreetmap which I edited based on satellite images and my own GPS recordings. Some information given by wikiloc about this trail are inserted automatically and are wrong:
- This tour has not been recorded in 2010
- The duration is not 1:07 hours. See the comment below for minimal duration.

Comments  (5)

  • Photo of Chajim
    Chajim Nov 17, 2020

    There have been activities by local trekking guides to open up a hiking trail connecting Pietra Tagliata with the dirt road to Infreschi. This would avoid the very rugged offroad section.. It will have a different course than my route but I don't know which one exactly.

  • DeFerr Sep 8, 2021

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Bellissimo sentiero, grazie per averlo condiviso. ATTENZIONE però non è fisicamente possibile farlo in 1h di percorrenza perché molto lungo (più di 11 km). Noi ci abbiamo impiegato tra 2.30h e 3h ma siccome abbiamo iniziato tardi sarebbe stato veramente troppo lungo tornare indietro percorrendo lo stesso sentiero. Abbiamo deciso di continuare sul Sentiero degli Infreschi (Cala Bianca, Pozzallo, Spiaggia Lentiscelle) fino a Marina dia Camerota, poi ci siamo fatti riportare alla partenza in macchina.

    Very nice path, thanks for sharing. READ CAREFULLY: it is not possibly done in slightly more than 1h as it is rather long (more than 11km). It took us between 2.30h and 3h but given that we started rather late it would've been way too long to come back on the same path. We decided to continue on the way to Cala Bianca and Pozzallo to reach the shore in Spiaggia Lentiscelle in Marina di Camerota where we asked a lift to get back to the start.

  • Photo of Chajim
    Chajim Sep 8, 2021

    Thank you very much for sharing your experience! I'm very happy that someone followed this route which I find very interesting. The duration of 1:07h has been inserted automatically by wikiloc and I have no influence on it. But I have now updated my description with a recommendation to plan for at least 5 hours in order to get in a hurry and have spare time for breaks and possible orientation problems. The route planner of puts out 4:32h for this route. I am very sorry that you had difficulties with this tour and hope the description is clear now.
    @DeFerr: Do you have a gps recording? I might help to improve the information here and on openstreetmap and perhaps it could even replace my gpx in order to mitigate the wrong calculation of duration.

  • Photo of Chajim
    Chajim Sep 8, 2021

    I shared another slightly different description of this route here:
    with an even longer duration. I made most of my trips in a larger group with several kids resulting in slow speed and long breaks. I recommend to use several sources of information for every trekking tour in this area.

  • DeFerr Sep 9, 2021

    Thank you Chajim! It's very nice of you to follow up on this! Sorry I don't have gpx, I just wanted to inform that we followed exactly this path and it took us 2.30/3 hours.

    If you have double cars or you have someone picking you in Marina di Camerota, I suggest to go further from Baia Infreschi towards Cala Bianca, Pozzallo (also has a drinks kiosk), and finally reach Lentiscelle beach. First, it is shorter, and second, it is a much flatter route. that's what we did in 1.30 extra hour instead of going all the way back.

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