
Cherso trekking (Belej - Osor) Hr


Trail photos

Photo ofCherso trekking (Belej - Osor) Hr Photo ofCherso trekking (Belej - Osor) Hr Photo ofCherso trekking (Belej - Osor) Hr


Trail stats

12.5 mi
Elevation gain
682 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,099 ft
Max elevation
658 ft
Min elevation
-12 ft
Trail type
One Way
April 6, 2010
April 2010

near Belej, Primorsko-Goranska (Hrvatska)

Viewed 4633 times, downloaded 48 times

Trail photos

Photo ofCherso trekking (Belej - Osor) Hr Photo ofCherso trekking (Belej - Osor) Hr Photo ofCherso trekking (Belej - Osor) Hr

Itinerary description

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Island of Cres: crossing from Belej to Osor for the old pastoral streets. It is a wild environment, practically uninhabited, it is very difficult to cross these places without previous knowledge of the terrain. The use of GPS for those who want to repeat this journey without errors is a huge help. I advise not to enter the territory with foggy days.

Starting from the small church of Belej, you get to a capital after three hundred meters and turn right past a small wall.

NB: The constant of this island are the dry stone walls and the gates that close them. There are thousands of kilometers of dry stone walls built centuries ago to reduce the effect of the wind that takes away sand, earth and seeds, hindering the cultures. The walls have become the limits of the properties and in this environment many properties still have grazing sheep. It is therefore necessary to close the gates after the passage.

You reach the top of the highest elevation (m.Konfin m.198) an Italian barracks dating back to the First World War, then continue to desolate lands full of dry stone walls, overcoming several sinkholes to the village of Srem from which you descend towards a dilapidated building to the east of which there is a providential pond in which the boundary walls where the owners fed the cattle fall from everywhere. Besides, it comes in sight of the village of Verin, but the journey takes us to the west where, connected by a flat road, continue for a few kilometers straight on the main path up to the Loze-Matalda crossroads.

Here you follow the road with red signs towards the north-west up to the village of Loze (beautiful renovated houses)

Continue along the path with red stamps in the direction of N.Ovest for about 950 meters and then exit the path marked southwest, leaving on the right the Casa del Beppo and a large dolina with fruit trees.

Continuing roughly in the east direction (sometimes red stamps) we go up for sixty-five meters of altitude and then, already in view of M.Televina and then of Nerezine, we reach a slight descent and for good trail until Osor near the revolving bridge. In Osor bar and restaurant.

Difference in height mt. 230 - km.20 development - about 6-7 hours - no water on the route.

Cartography 1: 100000 Kvarner River Arbe Vigil Cres Lošinj ed. FMB Studio Bologna


PictographWaypoint Altitude 420 ft


04-APR-10 9:03:45 - Partenza dalla Chiesa di Belej

PictographWaypoint Altitude 466 ft


04-APR-10 9:10:41 - al capitello svoltare a destra dietro muretto

PictographWaypoint Altitude 650 ft


04-APR-10 9:51:10 - casermetta italiana 1918

PictographWaypoint Altitude 489 ft


04-APR-10 10:34:51 - paesino di Srem

PictographWaypoint Altitude 253 ft


04-APR-10 13:17:23 - incrocio strada per Loze-Matalda

PictographWaypoint Altitude 266 ft


04-APR-10 13:36:35 - paesino di Loze (case ristrutturate)

PictographWaypoint Altitude 302 ft


04-APR-10 14:02:50 - abband. path and exit from the wall towards the west

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PictographWaypoint Altitude 253 ft


04-APR-10 14:09:08 - prati delle case dl Beppo

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3 ft


04-APR-10 15:19:34 uscita su stradina ad Osor

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3 ft


04-APR-10 15:25:47 - Parcheggio al ponte di Osor


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