
Cascadas de Spumoasa y Urlatoarea - P.N. de Bucegi - Cárpatos - Rumania


Trail photos

Photo ofCascadas de Spumoasa y Urlatoarea - P.N. de Bucegi - Cárpatos - Rumania Photo ofCascadas de Spumoasa y Urlatoarea - P.N. de Bucegi - Cárpatos - Rumania Photo ofCascadas de Spumoasa y Urlatoarea - P.N. de Bucegi - Cárpatos - Rumania


Trail stats

5.63 mi
Elevation gain
1,401 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,601 ft
Max elevation
4,144 ft
Min elevation
2,900 ft
Trail type
One Way
3 hours 19 minutes
August 31, 2018
August 2018

near Zamora, Județul Prahova (România)

Viewed 2030 times, downloaded 92 times

Trail photos

Photo ofCascadas de Spumoasa y Urlatoarea - P.N. de Bucegi - Cárpatos - Rumania Photo ofCascadas de Spumoasa y Urlatoarea - P.N. de Bucegi - Cárpatos - Rumania Photo ofCascadas de Spumoasa y Urlatoarea - P.N. de Bucegi - Cárpatos - Rumania

Itinerary description

Show original
Name: Waterfalls of Spumoasa and Urlatoarea

Start Time: 08/23/2018 11:00
End Time: 08/23/2018 14:19
Distance traveled: 9km (03:19)
Time in motion: 01:34
Minimum Height: 884m
Maximum Height: 1263m
Altitude gain: 605m
Altitude loss: -640m

From Sinaia, after visiting the castle of Peles, we approach the population of Busteni, with the idea of taking the chairlift and ascend to more than 2500 m in the Bucegi Natural Park and make a route through the alpine rope.

This original idea was truncated due to the longer time that was forming in the mountains. We opted for plan B that would be visiting the waterfalls of Spumoasa and Urlatoarea

From Buşteni, the mountain opens its way to the valley of Spumoasa, where we will find the waterfall with the same name.

The route starts next to the chair lift station in Busteni. From there, the route continues along the dirt track that rises parallel to the water, to the forest and quickly gains height. We reach a point where we can see several informative posters. We leave the track that continues to the left and is the one that continues towards the waterfall of Urlatoarea and that we will take to the return.
We continue on the right along a narrow path that goes into the thick forest and with an increasing slope that continues to a wooden cabin, very close to the waterfall. A few meters up and we are in the Spumoasa waterfall.
We retrace our steps and at the first intersection we continue on the left, going deeper into the thick forest and down a steep slope to the creek bank. We crossed the river by large stones placed in it.
We went to the point where were the indications of the beginning and we followed by the track that turns to the left following a slight rise the mark of the red point in the direction of the beautiful waterfall Urlatoarea. The path is almost straight up to the waterfall.


PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,143 ft
Photo of0000045 Photo of0000045


PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,031 ft
Photo ofBusteni Photo ofBusteni Photo ofBusteni


PictographWaypoint Altitude 2,946 ft
Photo ofUrlatoarea Photo ofUrlatoarea



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