
Breuil Cervinia-Plateau Rosa A/R


Trail photos

Photo ofBreuil Cervinia-Plateau Rosa A/R Photo ofBreuil Cervinia-Plateau Rosa A/R Photo ofBreuil Cervinia-Plateau Rosa A/R


Trail stats

5.41 mi
Elevation gain
4,596 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
52 ft
Max elevation
11,182 ft
Min elevation
6,621 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
2 hours 4 minutes
3 hours 37 minutes
August 5, 2018
August 2018

near Breuil, Valle d’Aosta (Italia)

Viewed 2967 times, downloaded 51 times

Trail photos

Photo ofBreuil Cervinia-Plateau Rosa A/R Photo ofBreuil Cervinia-Plateau Rosa A/R Photo ofBreuil Cervinia-Plateau Rosa A/R

Itinerary description

Si parte da Plan Maison, in corrispondenza del parcheggio delle funivie. Il sentiero n. 18 sale per il primo pezzo passando sotto la funivia. Al bivio, si prosegue seguendo la carrabile che attraversa gli alpeggi, sino al lago Goillet. La strada prende quota molto rapidamente con diversi tornanti ed intersecandosi in diversi punti con la pista per MTB. Superato il lago, si sale ulteriormente di quota, sino alle Cime Bianche.
Da qui, presa la funivia, si arriva al Plateau Rosa ed al ghiacciaio.
Il rientro è fatto tutto con la funivia, dal Plateau Rosa sino a Plan Maison.

It starts from Plan Maison, near the cable car parking lot. The path n. 18 rooms for the first piece passing under the cableway. At the junction, continue following the driveway that crosses the pastures, up to the Goillet lake. The road climbs very quickly with several hairpin bends and intersects at different points with the MTB track. Once you have passed the lake, you climb further up to the Cime Bianche.
From here, taking the cable car, you get to the Plateau Rosa and the glacier.
The return is done all with the cableway, from the Plateau Rosa up to Plan Maison.


PictographPanorama Altitude 7,128 ft
Photo ofCervino Photo ofCervino


PictographPanorama Altitude 7,372 ft
Photo ofPanoramica


Monte Cervino

PictographLake Altitude 8,174 ft
Photo ofLago Goillet Photo ofLago Goillet

Lago Goillet

PictographSummit Altitude 8,119 ft
Photo ofLe plateau Rosa

Le plateau Rosa

PictographSummit Altitude 8,417 ft
Photo ofLe Plateau Rosa Photo ofLe Plateau Rosa Photo ofLe Plateau Rosa

Le Plateau Rosa

PictographLake Altitude 8,841 ft
Photo ofLago Goillet

Lago Goillet

PictographSummit Altitude 9,302 ft
Photo ofLe Plateau Rosa

Le Plateau Rosa

PictographWaypoint Altitude 9,355 ft
Photo ofImpianto risalita Cime Bianche Laghi

Impianto risalita Cime Bianche Laghi

PictographPanorama Altitude 11,181 ft
Photo ofPlateau Rosa Photo ofPlateau Rosa

Plateau Rosa


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