
Braastricht Group: Trekking Maastricht South #1


Trail photos

Photo ofBraastricht Group: Trekking Maastricht South #1 Photo ofBraastricht Group: Trekking Maastricht South #1


Trail stats

6.52 mi
Elevation gain
463 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
466 ft
Max elevation
363 ft
Min elevation
154 ft
Trail type
April 9, 2018
April 2018

near Sint Pieter, Limburg (Nederland)

Viewed 835 times, downloaded 14 times

Trail photos

Photo ofBraastricht Group: Trekking Maastricht South #1 Photo ofBraastricht Group: Trekking Maastricht South #1

Itinerary description

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This route is based on trekking:


PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft

01 Start Point

This route is based on hiking: Maastricht and surrounding villages have things to offer you don’t see elsewhere in the Netherlands: fast flowing rivers, steep streets and wine terraces, all randomly situated in between or on top of the hills of the Maas river valley. For a general description and photos of this hike visit:

PictographMonument Altitude 0 ft

02 Sint Pieter Fortress

Sint Pieter Fortress The hill in front of you is called Sint Pieter. After the French used this hill in 1673 to bombard Maastricht, in 1702 the present fort was built to defend against attacks from the south of Maastricht. Early 19th century, the fort was modernized, but since 1867 it is no longer used as a fortress, because the Maastricht fortress was lifted. Today the fort is managed by Natuurmonumenten and excursions inside the fort are organized. If you don't have much time you can still explore the massive brick stone walls as part of the Jeker valley hike.

PictographPanorama Altitude 0 ft

03 Sint Pieter Quarry View

Sint Pieter Quarry and Pieter trail On the left you can see the quarries and factories of the ENCI, where marl is extracted to make cement. In 2018 production will be stopped after years of (environmental) protests and procedures. The huge quarry will be returned largely into nature. The long distance walking trail Pieterpad begins in Pieterburen in North Groningen and ends after 492 km at the hill of Sint Pieter. The Grande Randonnée 5 (GR5) from Hook of Holland to Nice also connects with Sint Pieter hill. A big signpost tells you how to get to Nice.

PictographRiver Altitude 0 ft

04 Spot for group lunch

Place to do a picnic with good view of Albert Kanaal. Few meters down the river (in the Carstertweg Street) there is the border between the Belgian regions Vlaanderen and Wallonie.

05 Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre

Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre The Baroque Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre, which is built entirely of limestone, was built in 1647. Herman Jeker Mans, a carpenter's son from Kanne and visitor of the Holy Land (Israel) promised to build a chapel at safe return, identical to the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The chapel was badly damaged in World War II, but restored to its original state in 1960.

PictographCastle Altitude 0 ft

06 Château Neercanne

Château Neercanne Château Neercanne is the only terraced castle in the Netherlands. It was built by the military governor of Maastricht in 1698 on the remains of an older fortress. After Belgium's independence the owner, Baron Thier, managed to keep the castle inside the kingdom. The marl stone walls around the southern orchards of the castle became the border between Belgium and the Netherlands. Of these walls still some parts are intact. The castle and the courtyard are now in possession of the Limburg Landscape Foundation. The courtyard, the forests and some parts of the gardens are free to visit.

PictographMonument Altitude 0 ft

07 Old OTAN (NAVO) HQ - Jezuïetenberg (Jesuit Caves)

PictographRiver Altitude 0 ft

08 Old Watermill

Look at the touristic information on the spot.

PictographMonument Altitude 0 ft

09 Lombok Watermill

Lombok Watermill Back in the days at this location three mills were standing close to each other, only one of which remains. This mill Lombok is worth a look. To see the mill from the main track we walk towards the houses and check out the small foot bridge over the river Jeker. The construction of the mill causes a backwater effect, during high water discharges of the river. Therefore, the water authority has made a new branch at the location of the mill. This new branch, or by-pass, makes it also possible for fishes to pass by the mill. The Lombok mills were situated right opposite of the Mill of Dollaert, which formerly consisted of two mills, each with its own water wheel. A part of the wall of the most downstream mill is still visible. Also try to check out the courtyard across the bridge over the Jeker.

PictographPark Altitude 0 ft

10 Park Jeker Valley

Park Jeker valley Park Jeker valley is a young nature reserve along the river Jeker. In 2 million years river Jeker has shaped this valley, between Sint Piet hill and the Canner hill. The park adjoins the 19th century city park, linking the city with the countryside. The park, with an orchard, consists of flowery meadows. And on the shores and islands of the Jeker is room for herbaceous flowers. The water authority has shifted and rearranged the river to prevent flooding in the future.


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