
Bøstad – Finnkirka – Vetten – Steira


Trail photos

Photo ofBøstad – Finnkirka – Vetten – Steira


Trail stats

4.98 mi
Elevation gain
1,463 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,457 ft
Max elevation
1,312 ft
Min elevation
3 ft
Trail type
One Way
2 hours 40 minutes
January 25, 2018
January 2010

near Borgfjord, Nordland (Norge)

Viewed 515 times, downloaded 21 times

Trail photos

Photo ofBøstad – Finnkirka – Vetten – Steira

Itinerary description

Show original
Category: moderately heavy
Partially marked path that initially goes up relatively steeply, but becomes milder once you gain some height.
Beautiful view of the surrounding mountain landscape of the Lofoten islands Austvågøy and Vestvågøy.

The walk starts at a parking lot in Indre Borgfjord near Bøstad. The parking lot is a few meters north of the signpost to Aalan Gård (opposite the Shelltankstation). Further indications are an empty yellow building and a wooden sign with a walking map.
You can park your car at the end of the asphalt road or at the end of the gravel road a little further on - against a symbolic contribution that you deposit in the designated bus.
The first hundreds of meters of the walk immediately lead past two curiosities. At the height of the last parking lot is a castle-like observation post that was erected here in 1943 by the German occupying forces. A little further to the west, the artwork Hode (Head) steals the show. Hode was designed and manufactured by the Swiss Markus Raetz, in the framework of Skulpturlandskap Nordland. The artwork from iron and granite changes form no less than sixteen times as you walk around it, particularly pleasant optical deception. The message behind this is that things can get a different form - and consequently a different content - if you approach them from a different perspective. In this way life succeeds again and again in surprising those who keep their eyes open.
A path runs along the back of the yellow building. The path starts to climb immediately and runs to the right, away from the E10. During the first half hour of the walk, the rather steep path often requires short breathing breaks, but they are extremely situated to enjoy the rolling landscape around you. Rest assured, you do not have to go up to the mountain ridge that you see in front of you while walking.
The top of the Vetten (414 meters) is located further east. Keep always on the right. After traversing two small rivers you reach a plateau. A wooden arrow points left to Finnkirka. You reach the top of the Veten faster when you just walk straight ahead, but for various reasons it is worthwhile to make the small detour to Finnkirka first. That leads you not only to a beautiful view, but also to the guestbook in which every walker eternalizes his name! Finnvika used to be the point where on Sundays the faithful from different directions came together and then in group to the church of Borg to step.
De Vetten itself is a stone's throw from Finnkirka. Just follow the path in an easterly direction and you will reach the top a few minutes later. Here too you can enjoy a wonderful panorama. You can see the mountains of Austvågøy in the east, the Justadtinden in the south and of course the 964 meter high Himmeltinden with its radar in the southwest. In the summer, around half past one in the night you come face to face with the midnight sun that hangs low between the mountains.
From the summit of the Vetten turn back to just before the top of the Finnkirka, but do not turn left like this, but turn right here following the path that descends to sea level to a campsite and the LofotenTuristsenter to the Vikingveien ( E 10) comes into view.


PictographProvisioning Altitude 0 ft

Aalan Gård

Aalan Gård

PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft



PictographSummit Altitude 0 ft

Finnkjerka (392m)

Finnkjerka (392m)

PictographProvisioning Altitude 0 ft

Lofoten Turistsenter

Lofoten Turistsenter

PictographCampsite Altitude 0 ft

Lofoten Turistsenter, 8370 Leknes, Norway

Lofoten Turistsenter, 8370 Leknes, Norway

Shell tankstation


PictographWaypoint Altitude 0 ft



PictographPanorama Altitude 0 ft



PictographSummit Altitude 0 ft

Vetten (414m)

Vetten (414m)




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