
Bosque de Govedartsi (Bulgaria)


Trail photos

Photo ofBosque de Govedartsi (Bulgaria) Photo ofBosque de Govedartsi (Bulgaria) Photo ofBosque de Govedartsi (Bulgaria)


Trail stats

3.71 mi
Elevation gain
699 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
699 ft
Max elevation
4,339 ft
Min elevation
3,656 ft
Trail type
Moving time
one hour 30 minutes
one hour 37 minutes
August 5, 2023
August 2023

near Madzhare, Софийска област (България)

Viewed 83 times, downloaded 3 times

Trail photos

Photo ofBosque de Govedartsi (Bulgaria) Photo ofBosque de Govedartsi (Bulgaria) Photo ofBosque de Govedartsi (Bulgaria)

Itinerary description

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Short walk through the pine forest of the town of Govedartsi (Bulgaria), north of the Iskar river, which we will cross twice to enter and exit the pine forest.

Despite the shortness of the itinerary, barely 6 kilometers, the legs are exercised, since it is time to negotiate a 200-meter climb in 1.8 linear kilometers. The ascent is divided into two sections, the first being more pronounced and with a false flat between them.

At the end of the route, you progress for about 800 meters by road, so you have to be aware of traffic.

It is a rutilla without excessive landscape charm: its point of interest appears when you advance through the thickness of the pines, spiked on the verticality of the hillside that hangs down on the edge of the road.

In our case, we started the march at sunset, with no other intention than to do some exercise, after arriving at the town of Govedartsi, where we spent the night, and as an appetizer for the climb to the Musala peak the next day, the highest in Bulgaria. and the Balkan Peninsula (2,925 m).


PictographCar park Altitude 3,725 ft
Photo of1. Salida Photo of1. Salida Photo of1. Salida

1. Salida

PictographFountain Altitude 3,746 ft
Photo of2. Fuente

2. Fuente

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,746 ft
Photo of3. Derecha Photo of3. Derecha

3. Derecha

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,722 ft
Photo of4. Derecha Photo of4. Derecha Photo of4. Derecha

4. Derecha

PictographBridge Altitude 3,696 ft
Photo of5. Puente Photo of5. Puente Photo of5. Puente

5. Puente

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,703 ft
Photo of6. Sendero Photo of6. Sendero Photo of6. Sendero

6. Sendero

PictographIntersection Altitude 4,007 ft
Photo of7. Derecha

7. Derecha

PictographPhoto Altitude 4,054 ft
Photo of8. Fotos Photo of8. Fotos Photo of8. Fotos

8. Fotos

PictographIntersection Altitude 4,338 ft
Photo of9. Derecha: fin subida Photo of9. Derecha: fin subida Photo of9. Derecha: fin subida

9. Derecha: fin subida

47 min / 3,11km

PictographIntersection Altitude 4,306 ft
Photo of10. Derecha

10. Derecha

PictographWaypoint Altitude 3,984 ft
Photo of11. Curva y bajada pronunciada

11. Curva y bajada pronunciada

PictographBridge Altitude 3,683 ft
Photo of12. Puente Photo of12. Puente Photo of12. Puente

12. Puente

1.18 h / 4,60 km.

PictographBridge Altitude 3,664 ft
Photo of13. Pasarela Photo of13. Pasarela

13. Pasarela

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,663 ft
Photo of14. Derecha: carretera Photo of14. Derecha: carretera Photo of14. Derecha: carretera

14. Derecha: carretera

⚠️ Tramo por carretera.

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,706 ft
Photo of15. Derecha Photo of15. Derecha

15. Derecha

PictographIntersection Altitude 3,708 ft
Photo of16. Izquierda

16. Izquierda


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