
Biertan circuit /poteca pe culme/ridge trail/Gratweg


Trail photos

Photo ofBiertan circuit /poteca pe culme/ridge trail/Gratweg Photo ofBiertan circuit /poteca pe culme/ridge trail/Gratweg Photo ofBiertan circuit /poteca pe culme/ridge trail/Gratweg


Trail stats

8.58 mi
Elevation gain
1,056 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,056 ft
Max elevation
1,866 ft
Min elevation
1,235 ft
Trail type
2 hours 36 minutes
October 24, 2022
October 2022
Be the first to clap

near Biertan, Județul Sibiu (România)

Viewed 103 times, downloaded 3 times

Trail photos

Photo ofBiertan circuit /poteca pe culme/ridge trail/Gratweg Photo ofBiertan circuit /poteca pe culme/ridge trail/Gratweg Photo ofBiertan circuit /poteca pe culme/ridge trail/Gratweg

Itinerary description

[Scroll down for English]

Marcaj turistic: Punct galben / Durata: 2 ore

Este varianta pentru traseul Biertan - Richis, de parcurgere in circuit, mai usoara, prima parte cu masina. Aceasta varianta nu ajunge în Richis.
Traseul Biertan-Richis complet:

Circuit din Biertan:
- cu masina 6 km pe drumul secundar asfaltat din Valea Caramizii - drumul de unde incepe marcajul punct galben, pana unde se termina asfaltul;
- se continua la dreapta, pe drumul de piatra in urcare, pe jos sau cu masina de teren, 1 km;
- se vireaza la dreapta pe poteca cu punct galben dinspre Richis spre Biertan, 6 km;
- se recupereaza masina cu alta masina sau cu bicicleta.

In Biertan marcajul turistic incepe din partea de sud a localitatii. Din drumul asfaltat Valea Caramizii se virează la dreapta.

Traseul parcurge pe poteca o culme intre zona Richis si Biertan cu multe panorame deosebite!
Alternand permanent intre padure si zone deschise, traseul ofera privelisti incantatoare spre dealurile si vaile din zona Biertan - Richis.

Bine de stiut:
Pe traseu, in zona drumului asfaltat puteti intalni caini de paza liberi dar care nu sunt un pericol, fiti calmi si pozitivi.
In general, cea mai buna varianta de a linisti cainii este sa le aruncati ceva de mancare. Functioneaza garantat de fiecare data!
Sa aveti la voi cativa biscuiti sau orice altceva de mancare.

Un traseu de cinci stele!
Unul dintre cele mai frumoase trasee de drumetie din zona Biertan-Richis!
Traseul a fost pregatit si este intretinut de voluntarii de la Medias Bike Marathon.
Asteptam impresii, folositi comentarii in aplicatia Wikiloc!

Informatii: Catalin 0749331730

Tourist sign: Yellow dot / Time: 2 hours

This trail is the easy version for the route Biertan - Richis, to travel in a circuit, the first part by car. This variant does not reach Richis.
Complete Biertan-Richis route:

Circuit from Biertan:
- by car 6 km on the asphalt secondary road from Valea Caramizii - the road where the yellow dot sign begins, until the asphalt ends;
- continue on foot or by SUV, to the right, on the uphill stone road, 1 km;
- turn right on the yellow dot trail from Richis to Biertan 6km;
- recover the car with another car or by bicycle.

In Biertan, the tourist sign starts from the southern part of the town, turn to the right from the Valea Caramizii asphalt road.

The trail runs along a ridge between Richis and Biertan with many beautiful panoramas!
Permanently alternating between forest and open areas, the trail offers delightful views of the hills and valleys of the Biertan - Richis area.

Good to know:
Along the road, there are free guard dogs but they are not a danger, be calm and positive.
In general, the best way to calm dogs is to throw them some food. Guaranteed to work every time!
Have some biscuits or any other food with you.

Five stars trail!
One of the most beautiful hiking trails in Biertan-Richis area!
The trail was prepared and it is maintained by Medias Bike Marathon team.
We are waiting for your impressions, use comments in the Wikiloc app!

Info: Catalin +40749331730


PictographCar park Altitude 1,514 ft


PictographCar park Altitude 1,678 ft

SUV Parking


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