
Besishahar to Khudi and Bhulbhule alternative route



Trail stats

6.09 mi
Elevation gain
1,371 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,283 ft
Max elevation
2,979 ft
Min elevation
2,441 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
2 hours 34 minutes
3 hours 31 minutes
April 18, 2018
April 2018
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near Tribeni Tol, Western Region (Nepal)

Viewed 253 times, downloaded 4 times

Itinerary description

My first day of hiking Annapurna, the trail starts where the public bus drops you off and ends in Thorang-la guesthouse just before Bhulbhule which is where I spent the night. I read a lot of stories of taking a Jeep to avoid the road as it was dusty but quite frankly this trail does not meet the road at all until Khudi. There is a small detour in Khudi for like 200m as I tried to see if there were tons in the Riverside guesthouse for the night but it was fully booked. The next guesthouse in Khudi didn't look very appealing so I continued to Bhulbhule.

The last part from Khudi to Bhulbhule is sadly through the road. However I was very pleased to have taken this part as it's a really nice trek going through the villages and avoiding the road altogether. The path of clearly marked, once you get off the public bus walk like 200 meters and you'll see the TIMS registration booth. After that walk straight for another 500m (do not turn left towards the road after TIMS, just go straight and you'll see the suspension bridge where the trail starts. A bit of an up and down at times with a few steps but well worth it.


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