
Beach, Cave, Airplane: Agios Georgios - Vorini Spilia beach - Agios Ioannis Cave - Alimia’s sunken airplane [Iraklia]


Trail photos

Photo ofBeach, Cave, Airplane: Agios Georgios - Vorini Spilia beach - Agios Ioannis Cave - Alimia’s sunken airplane [Iraklia] Photo ofBeach, Cave, Airplane: Agios Georgios - Vorini Spilia beach - Agios Ioannis Cave - Alimia’s sunken airplane [Iraklia] Photo ofBeach, Cave, Airplane: Agios Georgios - Vorini Spilia beach - Agios Ioannis Cave - Alimia’s sunken airplane [Iraklia]


Trail stats

10.88 mi
Elevation gain
2,766 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
2,530 ft
Max elevation
963 ft
Min elevation
16 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
4 hours 10 minutes
10 hours 52 minutes
September 22, 2021
September 2021

near Ágios Geórgios, South Aegean (Greece)

Viewed 456 times, downloaded 5 times

Trail photos

Photo ofBeach, Cave, Airplane: Agios Georgios - Vorini Spilia beach - Agios Ioannis Cave - Alimia’s sunken airplane [Iraklia] Photo ofBeach, Cave, Airplane: Agios Georgios - Vorini Spilia beach - Agios Ioannis Cave - Alimia’s sunken airplane [Iraklia] Photo ofBeach, Cave, Airplane: Agios Georgios - Vorini Spilia beach - Agios Ioannis Cave - Alimia’s sunken airplane [Iraklia]

Itinerary description

I start from Agios Georgios village paved road and continue to well marked trail No. 8 which leads to Vorini Spilia cove. Vorini Spilia has no shade all around it. The sea cave has collapsed.

I then ascend towards the hills above Vorini Spilia beach, without following any trail, in order to reach Agios Athanasios chapel and the marked trail No. 7, without having to reach there by backtracking via trail No. 8. Unfortunately that eastern area above Vorini Spilia is barred with a fence, and hence I had to follow unwillingly the fence all around till I locate a suitable exit to trail No. 7.

Once on trail No. 7, ahead of Agios Athanasios chapel, I shift to well marked trails No. 4 and No. 3, in order to reach the Agios Ioannis (St John) cave [Spilia].

There are two nearly opposite caves there. The one with the largest, double entrance preserves some cave formations and hosts few bats. Supposedly a mythological giant used to reside there. The Agios Ioannis (St John) cave, one of the largest caves in the Cyclades archipelago, being the one with the smallest entrance, has a characteristic bell hanging in front of it from a tree. Entry is assisted with a wooden panel on the floor that helps slide in the cavern, lessening your getting very dirty. The cave is cool and humid. Caution is required at few slippery areas where the water drains on flowstones. Upon entry there is a makeshift chapel commemorating St John. You can also see a variety of stalagmites, stalactites, drapers, straws and columns, some of which have been severely damaged by earlier visitors. The area around the makeshift chapel is marked by crosses and visitors’ tagging. Roots of trees are hanging from the ceiling, making the place very eerie. Using the torch of the mobile phone was enough to appreciate the details.
On August 28th, pilgrimers fill the cave with their candles, commemorating St John the Baptist’s decapitation.

Once out of the cave, I continue on marked trail No. 5 and head to Alimia beach. The descent to Alimia Beach is marked with piles of rocks, and at some point you will have to enter the dry stream bed and hop over big rocks till the beach.

The sunken airplane can easily be located in the sea by a buoy. Its airframe is partially preserved and visible even without goggles. The airframe was not submerged on the spot, but rather dragged there by a boat from lower depth. There are some trees on the beach that provide shade. During summer and early autumn there are boat trips visiting the sunken airplane, starting from Tourkopigado quay.

I then ascend back to the Agios Ioannis Cave, and head to Panagia village for dinner. I finish the route in Agios Georgios village, through the paved road.

Mobile phone connectivity outside the Agios Ioannis Cave is satisfactory, and there is also connectivity at Alimia beach at lesser speed.


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