
Bangor Trail Mayo


Trail photos

Photo ofBangor Trail Mayo Photo ofBangor Trail Mayo


Trail stats

17.92 mi
Elevation gain
1,975 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,995 ft
Max elevation
1,056 ft
Min elevation
243 ft
Trail type
One Way
10 hours 59 minutes
August 30, 2017
July 2017
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1 comment

near Derrybrock, Connaught (Ireland)

Viewed 354 times, downloaded 14 times

Trail photos

Photo ofBangor Trail Mayo Photo ofBangor Trail Mayo

Itinerary description

Warning : Check with Mayo County Council that the bridge has been replaced !
The Bangor Trail is a waymarked walking trail in Erris, North Mayo, Ireland. It takes a route south from Bangor Erris through the Nephin Beg Mountain range to Newport and is a fairly tough, remote hiking trail.
The Bangor Trail follows an old drover path which may date from the Iron Age. There are, along the route, evidence of previous human habitation, particularly from the mid-19th century just prior to the Irish Famine when population pressure in this area was intense. In the days (16th century until early 20th century) when English landlords owned vast estates across Ireland, fishing and hunting lodges abounded, especially beside the rivers and lakes, which were used seasonally for red deer and shooting expeditions and the leisure activities of the aristocracy. The landlords would have been responsible for the maintenance of sections of the trail which passed through their lands. The trail was the main route for people and livestock before roads were built in the area in the first half of the 19th century.

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of JohnMcC
    JohnMcC Oct 22, 2017

    Warning : Check with Mayo County Council that the bridge has been replaced

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