
Bally Mountain


Trail photos

Photo ofBally Mountain Photo ofBally Mountain Photo ofBally Mountain


Trail stats

3.62 mi
Elevation gain
1,680 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,680 ft
Max elevation
1,689 ft
Min elevation
334 ft
Trail type
Moving time
one hour 13 minutes
one hour 47 minutes
July 9, 2018
July 2018

near Austinville, Queensland (Australia)

Viewed 3556 times, downloaded 80 times

Trail photos

Photo ofBally Mountain Photo ofBally Mountain Photo ofBally Mountain

Itinerary description

A great hike that follows a well defined track for the vast majority of the hike. The first 1/3 of the hike is especially tough as it is quite a steep climb to Little Bally mountain.

There is some rock scrambling involved near the summit, one small section in particular is a near vertical climb (4-5m) and is close to the edge. This can be a bit daunting but there are plenty of solid rocks for a good grip.

The summit provides amazing 360 views on a clear day and is truly worth it.

Near the end of the trail you will notice a road come alongside
the stream, use that to get back to the start. I tried to follow the stream but it winds away from where you want to be

Tip: the path was quite slippery just shy of the summit when I went up after heavy rain the day before, I’d recommend not doing it after rain as this made the hike much tougher

Comments  (1)

  • Photo of Gavin Dale
    Gavin Dale Jul 9, 2021

    The property owner of Little Bally Mountain has closed this off due to fences being cut, intrusion onto the private property due to not having accurate mapping, and no respect for being on the property. The Gold Coast has one and only one trail to Bally Mountain to be used. Gavin Dale Secretary Bushwalking Qld Inc.

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