
Badwater Basin (Death Valley National Park)


Trail photos

Photo ofBadwater Basin (Death Valley National Park) Photo ofBadwater Basin (Death Valley National Park) Photo ofBadwater Basin (Death Valley National Park)


Trail stats

2 mi
Elevation gain
3 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
3 ft
Max elevation
-359 ft
73 5
Min elevation
-405 ft
Trail type
One Way
Moving time
39 minutes
50 minutes
September 6, 2019
September 2019
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near Badwater, California (United States)

Viewed 877 times, downloaded 29 times

Trail photos

Photo ofBadwater Basin (Death Valley National Park) Photo ofBadwater Basin (Death Valley National Park) Photo ofBadwater Basin (Death Valley National Park)

Itinerary description

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The Badwater Basin is an endorheic basin in the Valley of Death National Park in California (United States), famous for being the lowest point in North America, with an altitude of 86 m. below sea level. This lowest point is just 122 kilometers from the highest point of the 48 adjacent states of the United States, Mont Whitney.

The basin contains a pool of "non-potable water" due to the large amount of accumulated salts in the vicinity - this is where its name comes from in English - which houses diverse fauna and flora, including salicorns, water insects and Badwater snails.

Next to the pond, where water is not always present on the surface, the repetition of freezing and thawing cycles and evaporation is transforming the fine salt crust into hexagonal shapes like beehives.

In Badwater, periodically storms occur that flood the lower part of the valley, covering the bulk of salt with a thin layer of water. Each newly formed lake does not last long, as the average precipitation (48 mm) is exceeded by the average annual evaporation (3,800 mm). This is the greatest potential for evaporation in the United States, which means that even a lake of about 50 kilometers in length and 3 meters deep would dry in a year. While the basin is flooded, a portion of the salt is dissolved; When the water evaporates, this salt is deposited again on the surface in the form of crystals.

On a cliff there is a sign that marks the level of the sea, very popular among tourists.


PictographPhoto Altitude -368 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude -369 ft
Photo ofFoto Photo ofFoto Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude -383 ft
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PictographPhoto Altitude -393 ft
Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude -371 ft
Photo ofFoto Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude -373 ft
Photo ofFoto Photo ofFoto Photo ofFoto


PictographPhoto Altitude -391 ft
Photo ofFoto Photo ofFoto Photo ofFoto


Comments  (2)

  • Photo of Lync81
    Lync81 Sep 10, 2019

    El lugar mas bajo de EE.UU en el Valle de la Muerte

  • Photo of Paolo Melchiorre (pauloxnet)
    Paolo Melchiorre (pauloxnet) Sep 30, 2020

    I have followed this trail  View more

    The lowest altitude walk I've ever done.

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