
Ausangate and Lake Sibinacocha Glacier Trek


Trail photos

Photo ofAusangate and Lake Sibinacocha Glacier Trek


Trail stats

46.25 mi
Elevation gain
10,295 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
7,264 ft
Max elevation
17,395 ft
31 5
Min elevation
12,392 ft
Trail type
One Way
April 7, 2016
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near Labramarca, Cusco (Peru)

Viewed 1592 times, downloaded 54 times

Trail photos

Photo ofAusangate and Lake Sibinacocha Glacier Trek

Itinerary description

7 day 6 night trek completed in 2016 (March-April) with a guide and horseman. Very high altitude throughout, very cold night time temperatures (-13 deg C). Path is approximately digitised, not exact but camps are placed correctly.

Views are breath taking, so is the elevation!


PictographCampsite Altitude 14,154 ft


Last village before the end, enjoy the hot springs. There is space to camp with some rooms with beds too.

PictographThermal waters Altitude 14,170 ft

Hot Springs

Natural hot springs, enjoy your soak

PictographCampsite Altitude 15,190 ft

Ninaparayoc Camp

Campsite with covered toilet (long drop)

PictographCampsite Altitude 15,089 ft

Qampa Camp

Campsite with permanent building for cooking and a toilet

PictographRiver Altitude 15,072 ft

River Crossing by horse back

A fast running glacier river needs to be crossed. Not deep but could be a hazard.

PictographCampsite Altitude 16,132 ft

Condor Passo Camp

PictographMountain pass Altitude 17,054 ft

Condor Passo

First pass, ~5100m

PictographSummit Altitude 17,372 ft

Nevado Comeriochas Glacier

The peak near this point is worth a scramble up to for the 360 degree view

PictographCampsite Altitude 15,988 ft

Lake Sibnacocha Camp

No facilities, back to nature

PictographCampsite Altitude 16,096 ft

Lake Ccascana Camp

Also no facilities

PictographProvisioning Altitude 15,427 ft

Phinaya Village

The end! Shops with supplies available. Start of the road for the journey back to Cusco (5 hours)

Comments  (3)

  • Hohenheimsenberg Oct 1, 2018

    Is this route too dangerous or complicated? I see in the map a couple of steep parts

  • Photo of edver carraro
    edver carraro Apr 22, 2020

    I have followed this trail  View more

    Sem dúvida, uma baita travessia! Super cansativa em função da altitude, porém com paisagens de tirar o fôlego! Aclimate bem antes de encarar a trilha. Bons equipamentos são extremamente necessários, bem como bom vestuário!

  • Photo of BrokenBucket
    BrokenBucket Apr 22, 2020

    Great to hear someone else has ventured on this trail! Glad you made it safely, the altitude sure is tiring - very important to climatise for a couple of days first

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