
Ascenso Kilimanjaro Machame 6 dias


Trail photos

Photo ofAscenso Kilimanjaro Machame 6 dias Photo ofAscenso Kilimanjaro Machame 6 dias Photo ofAscenso Kilimanjaro Machame 6 dias


Trail stats

37.49 mi
Elevation gain
15,650 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
16,306 ft
Max elevation
19,274 ft
76 5
Min elevation
5,363 ft
Trail type
One Way
4 days 23 hours 35 minutes
October 13, 2015
September 2015
  • Rating

  •   5 2 Reviews

near Barangata, Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Viewed 3678 times, downloaded 123 times

Trail photos

Photo ofAscenso Kilimanjaro Machame 6 dias Photo ofAscenso Kilimanjaro Machame 6 dias Photo ofAscenso Kilimanjaro Machame 6 dias

Itinerary description

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Full route of the climb to Kilimanjaro in 6 days by the Machame route.

The highest point is the peak itself, with its famous 5895 masl, The lowest point is the starting point, about 1626 masl, It is a considerable difference that has to be done in 4 days and then return to the base in 2 days . The promotion recommendations are not met.

It is a hiking route, without any difficulty for hikers of long runs through the Pyrenees for example. A month ago I made the route of the Cavalls del vent, it is not the most suitable option for its height, but for its distance per stage.

They recommend making Mount Kenya or Mount Meru by acclimatization. The same is not a bad idea, but it is full of cases in which I have heard people say that they did not understand why they got so high altitude sickness when they just came from those mountains. Even one commented that they came from the high areas of Nepal. Starting the Kili with fatigue, fatigue or not fully recovered from a high climb may not be a good idea ...

The only difficulty that can be found is the height from + -5000 masl, the top is at 5895msnm. The road presents no difficulties except on the fourth day, there are impossible air passages for people with vertigo.

If the weather is good, the boots are only necessary for the day of attack to the top. For the night, some gel with caffeine too. (I leave them at home ... I miss them A LOT to miss) It is not that the food is scarce or bad, but they do not stop being 3 meals a day ... the snack is too much to miss ...

As for the dilemma of 6 or 7 days ... after the experience, I highly recommend doing it in 7 days ... It takes much better advantage of the stay and does not suffer so much. (especially dream ...)

Important to bring gels and energy bars for the road, not only for the day of the attack.

As for the attack night, it is important to wear quality clothes instead of quantity ... more than anything for reasons of perspiration, weight and comfort. The cold is relative, about -10º, but the wind is sharp and lowers the thermal sensation a lot, so what is really important is to protect yourself from that cold air. A good feather or synthetic jacket well protected by a windbreaker / goretex is a must.

The nights they touched us were very cold, close to 0 and very humid. It is important to have a good mixed bag or to tolerate humidity well. The ones we rented were quite old and used, so a "sabana saco" is advisable,

It did not rain on us any day, but if it was already in the store. the amount of water that falls is important ...

Days individually:

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

Day 6:

Comment that during the climb to the top, you get tired of seeing people turn around ... of all ages. From the young boy who was hesitant below (I remember a couple that squeezed the rhythm on the first day ... finally did not make a peak), even the older person who has been dying of cough and fatigue for two days, but still try until the last moment.

For people who have headaches or migraines from the sun ... in my case cat4 glasses and a hat were not enough .... in case of sunny day, be very careful ... if I am sensitive of the eyes, look for some glasses as dark as possible, CAt4, polarized, mirror effect etc ... I suffered migraine for this reason.

Thanks for commenting or evaluating the track ;-)

As for the difficulty ... I leave it as "difficult". It is a path that if it were not for height, it would be a long walk. But the height is not only "altitude sickness", it is also cold, humidity, weight in the backpacks, clothes that you have and take ... I consider that if you require hours of hiking and hours of experience in the mountains, Know when to put on what clothes, have clear coat layers that have and can be used etc. Without this experience, it is easy to have a hard time and not make a peak.


PictographSummit Altitude 19,186 ft
Photo ofUhuru Peak Photo ofUhuru Peak

Uhuru Peak

PictographWaypoint Altitude 18,793 ft

Stella point

PictographCampsite Altitude 12,992 ft
Photo ofBarranco Photo ofBarranco Photo ofBarranco


PictographCampsite Altitude 13,232 ft


PictographMountain pass Altitude 15,049 ft
Photo ofLava tower Photo ofLava tower Photo ofLava tower

Lava tower

PictographCampsite Altitude 12,566 ft

Shira Camp

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,899 ft
Photo ofInicio del camino Photo ofInicio del camino Photo ofInicio del camino

Inicio del camino

PictographWaypoint Altitude 5,367 ft
Photo ofFinal Photo ofFinal Photo ofFinal


When you arrive at the exit you receive a certificate that indicates if you have reached the top or not and what time it has been. It is not a good place to buy souvenirs ...

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PictographCampsite Altitude 9,843 ft
Photo ofMachame Photo ofMachame Photo ofMachame


PictographCampsite Altitude 12,457 ft
Photo ofcampamento Photo ofcampamento


PictographCampsite Altitude 10,059 ft

Mweka Camp

PictographCampsite Altitude 15,095 ft

Barafu Camp

Comments  (9)

  • Photo of Waterfallin
    Waterfallin Oct 16, 2015

    Good job Alex! We did the same trek last year. Truly an exhilarating experience.

  • Photo of AlexTR
    AlexTR Oct 18, 2015

    Hey Waterfallin! Kilimanjaro is a wonderfull montain... with beautifull views!!

    Next mountain? Aconcagua?

  • Photo of karma616
    karma616 Feb 5, 2017

    Tengo previsto ir en octubre de este año.
    Podéis recomendarme alguna agencia?

  • Photo of AlexTR
    AlexTR Feb 6, 2017

    brufff, tema curioso, aquí se practica la subcontratacion al máximo nivel...

    Nosotros fuimos con, que a su vez es Viajes Marfil, y que para este tour subcontratan a (proporcionan el material) que a su vez solo contratan un guía y este guía es el que monta su equipo de portadores y segundo guía...

  • Photo of karma616
    karma616 Feb 6, 2017

    Ya veo que es complicado!!
    De todas maneras, os fue bien con estas agencias? Una vez allí, tuvisteis la impresionante que todas eran parecidas? Gracias

  • Photo of AlexTR
    AlexTR Feb 6, 2017

    Si, fue todo bien, una vez ahí, variará el hotel de antes y después del treck por ejemplo, pero lo relativo a la montaña, son todas iguales. Tanto que un guía trabaja un día para una como para otra otro día... Igual habrá alguna top de lujo con tiendas ultimo modelo, pero sino son todas iguales.

  • Photo of karma616
    karma616 Feb 6, 2017


  • Photo of matith
    matith Jan 31, 2020

    Muy buena experiencia! Felicitaciones!

  • gemmazuniga Apr 17, 2023

    Mil gracias x la info!!!! En junio me toca... Me ha venido muy bien tu explicación

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