
Amanecer en Bromo subiendo al Mirador de Pananjakan Cemoro Lawang Isla de Java


Trail photos

Photo ofAmanecer en Bromo subiendo al Mirador de Pananjakan Cemoro Lawang Isla de Java Photo ofAmanecer en Bromo subiendo al Mirador de Pananjakan Cemoro Lawang Isla de Java Photo ofAmanecer en Bromo subiendo al Mirador de Pananjakan Cemoro Lawang Isla de Java


Trail stats

5.99 mi
Elevation gain
1,713 ft
Technical difficulty
Elevation loss
1,713 ft
Max elevation
8,784 ft
62 5
Min elevation
7,227 ft
Trail type
4 hours 49 minutes
September 5, 2014
August 2014
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  •   5 2 Reviews

near Cemorolawang, Jawa Timur (Indonesia)

Viewed 1238 times, downloaded 57 times

Trail photos

Photo ofAmanecer en Bromo subiendo al Mirador de Pananjakan Cemoro Lawang Isla de Java Photo ofAmanecer en Bromo subiendo al Mirador de Pananjakan Cemoro Lawang Isla de Java Photo ofAmanecer en Bromo subiendo al Mirador de Pananjakan Cemoro Lawang Isla de Java

Itinerary description

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One of the most classic routes of the Island of Java, to see the dawn of the Bromo Volcano inside the Caldera de Tengger, with the Semeru Volcano smoky in the background, all this makes up the National Park. If we want to make the walking route, we have to get up early, most of the staff do it by jeep or motorbike to the viewpoints.

We get up about 2 in the morning, we take a warm tea and we warm up, because the mornings are cool and up when we have to wait to see the sunrise will be appreciated a good windbreaker, hat and gloves, it is no nonsense, At this point it is quite cold. At 2.30 in the morning we left from the hotel in Cemoro Lawang, which is the town that is right next to the Caldera del Tengger. We take a road, and we begin to climb towards Gunung Penanjakan, the darkness and fog envelops us completely, we go with a lantern that opens the way for us at night. We pass, some motorcycles and horses of the countrymen, who go up to the various viewpoints that exist, carrying supplies for tourists such as food, hot drinks and even warm clothes, for those who have forgotten to take it. Soon we found the first of the viewpoints, which is where people usually arrive, as it is where most of the Jeeps arrive. Further on the path ends, and there are some stairs, which we almost did not see with the darkness, we followed them to the next viewpoint. From here to where we were, the path closes a lot, you have to be careful because without light, you do not see anything at all. You zigzag through the mountain until you reach almost the last of the viewpoints, which is accessed from the road that goes up the Gunung Penanjakan, down a few hundred meters. We felt like in this last viewpoint the wind blew and in the sunrise wait we would go cold, so we went down a bit, until a small balcony, where it looked scary and did not run the air. Now we had to wait, along with more people who had come to see the sunrise. At this time you have to wrap yourself well, so as not to lose body heat, a thermos with something warm would come from fear. The sun is appearing over the horizon and you can see how the Caldera of the Bromo Volcano is waking up, little by little the environment floods with light, the volcanoes are surrounded by a sea of ​​clouds, which do not allow to see the sea of ​​sand that the surrounds It is a real beauty, we fill our retinas with this wonder, we climb a bit to see it from the top viewpoint, which is full of people with their cameras and tripods, to capture and immortalize those moments. We started to walk down and there is almost no one on the road, because most people came in Jeep, we have the road all to ourselves. The countrymen, are collecting the equipment, for the next dawn. We arrived at the hotel to recover with a good breakfast. Enjoy the route, greetings.

Total time: 4h 49 '
Moving time: 2h 59 '
Time stopped: 1h 50 '
Average total speed: 2 km / h
Average speed in movement: 3.2 km / h
Average total pace per KM: 30 '06' '
Rhythm medium in movement by KM: 18 '38' '

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PictographPanorama Altitude 7,774 ft


PictographIntersection Altitude 8,011 ft
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PictographPanorama Altitude 8,180 ft
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PictographPanorama Altitude 8,761 ft


PictographPanorama Altitude 8,782 ft
Photo ofMirador


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